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他对权威的不敬使他成了一个惹是生非的刺儿头。His irreverence for authority marks him out as a troublemaker.

孩子们都喜欢广告里面那种不甚恭敬和讽刺的基调。It strikes a tone of irreverence and sarcasm that teenagers often appreciate.

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这种不敬冒犯了神,所以他让一些人患病而另一些人死亡。This irreverence so offended God He struck some with illness and others with death.

我们应该使物尽其用,否则将是浪费、亵渎和对其不敬。We should make the best use of everything or it will be a waste or a profane or irreverence.

我这样理解保罗的话,哥林多人在圣餐礼上犯的罪是不敬畏神。As I understand Paul's words, the sin of the Corinthians at the Lord's Supper was irreverence.

在敬拜时的不尊重态度既代表没有明白神的圣洁的含义也是对神的圣洁的冒犯。Irreverence in worship is both a failure to grasp God's holiness and an affront to His holiness.

我们所生活的世界充满了这样那样的不敬的行为与话语,为了要逗人发笑,我们几乎对任何事都进行调侃。We live in a culture of irreverence.In the name of making people laugh, we make a mockery of everything.

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影片的内容也许是中国的,但是“功夫熊猫”的玩世不恭和创造能力却是百分之百美国造。The content may be Chinese, but the irreverence and creativity of "Kung Fu Panda" are 100 percent American.

但是我们必须认识到神的临在是严肃的,要谨慎地避免不敬的态度冒犯神的临在。It simply means we must regard God's presence seriously and be very cautious about offending His presence by our irreverence.

她是好莱坞黄金时代巨星中仅存的几位中的一个,台前幕后都以不屈和独立闻名。She was one of the last great stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, known both on and off the screen for her irreverence and independence.

我一直在试图拒绝她的爱,连碰碰她的手都觉得不合适,仿佛那是一种纵容,是对死亡的大不敬。I had been trying to deny myself even the touch of her hand, assuming that affection was inappropriate, an indulgence, an irreverence in the face of death.

亵渎神明不必然等同于无神论,但Meletus将两者搞混了,但那的确意谓着不敬,甚至是亵渎那些,社会最深刻关切旳事务,是吧?Impiety need not be the same thing as atheism although Meletus confuses the two but it does suggest irreverence even blasphemy toward the things that a society ? cares most deeply about. Yes?

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不清楚是由于谷歌采用的策略,还是它想要迷惑竞标对手,恐吓对手,或者干脆是表示不敬。It was not clear what strategy Google was employing, whether it wanted to confuse rival bidders, intimidate them, or simply express the irreverence that is part and parcel of its corporate persona.