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印度驻英国高级专员Indian High Commissioner to U.K.

他们抢走了行政长官的小车。They robbed the Commissioner of his car.

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专员被召回首都。The commissioner was recalled to the captial.

阿多委员负责教育。Commissioner Addo is responsible for education.

已任过多年公安局长。He had been a police commissioner for many years.

我上一次来中央党校演讲是四年之前,当时我担任欧盟贸易专员。I last spoke here four years ago, as EU Trade Commissioner.

你的省督和专员是什么名字?What is the name of your Lieutenant-Governor or Commissioner?

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职业棒球大联盟代表团成员蓓蕾塞利格拒绝交易。Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig rejected the deal.

玛格利特.A.汉堡,医师,是食品药品管理局局长。Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D. is the Commissioner of Food and Drugs

“我们想要去打球,”NBA总裁大卫斯特恩说。"We want to play basketball," NBA commissioner David Stern said.

“我们想要去打球,”NBA总裁大卫斯特恩说。"We want to play basketball, " NBA commissioner David Stern said.

他作为财政人民委员的“补贴”是五元钱一月。His allowance as commissioner of finance was five dollars a month.

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检验证明书将由商检局局长签字。The commissioner of your bureau will sign the Inspection Certificate.

尼莉·克鲁斯是负责竞争法的欧盟委员。Neelie Kroes is the European Union commissioner for competition policy.

5月14日,张关蓉在擦拭丈夫谭千秋的遗体。May 14, Zhang Rong Commissioner Tan ages in polished her husband's body.

他除了县选举委员外,没做过任何官。He had never held any public office besides country election commissioner.

我是作为奥地利代理贸易专员,和奥地利驻港外事机构一起到这儿来的。I came here with the foreign service as deputy Austrian trade commissioner.

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乔治亚农业厅长汤米致词说明台湾与乔州农业关系现况。Commissioner Tommy Irvin Speaks of the Taiwan-Georgia Agricultural Relations.

绪方贞子在1990年到2000年之间担任难民署高级专员。Ms. Sadako Ogata worked for UNHCR as the High Commissioner between 1990-2000.

工商管理专业的我目前在大韩航空公司担任国际空…My major is business management. I'm an international air cargo commissioner.