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探讨该细胞的基本电生理特性。To study electrophysiological properties of Deiters′ cells.

决奈达隆具有多通道阻滞的电生理特性。It is a multichannel blocker with electrophysiological properties.

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抑郁对心室肌电生理学特性有何影响尚未见报道。It is unknown whether depression have effects on ventricular electrophysiological properties.

我们将强调最近从非人类电流生理学和人类脑部造影研究中获得的新启发。Recent insights from non-human electrophysiological and human brain imaging research will be emphasized.

介绍了一种新颖的综合视觉电生理信息处理系统。This paper introduce a novel comprehensive system of visuaL electrophysiological information processing.

目的观察蟾酥对蟾蜍坐骨神经电生理特性的影响。Objective To study the influence of toad venom on the electrophysiological character of toads' sciatic nerves.

神经肌电检查包括四肢感觉和运动神经传导功能,肌电图记录上下肢远端肌肉各1块。The electrophysiological tests included check of nerve conduct function of both sensation and motor at four limbs.

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膜片钳放大器正是处理微弱电生理信号的有力工具。The patch-clamp amplifier is just an extremely powerful tool for processing the small electrophysiological signals.

目的探讨产伤所致婴幼儿臂丛神经及其分支损害的临床和电生理表现。Objective To investigate the clinical and electrophysiological findings of brachial plexus nerve damage following childbirth.

目的探讨胚胎大鼠神经干细胞体外培养分化的子代细胞电生理特性。Objective To exam the electrophysiological properties of cells derived from multipotent neural stem cells of embryonic rat CNS.

将立体视觉与认知结合,采用电生理方法,研究大脑对外部刺激产生的认知响应。By linking stereopsis and cognition the cognitive response to external stimuli using the electrophysiological method is studied.

研究了仙人掌、芦荟和假明镜对紫外线UV-B辐射和臭氧胁迫的电生理响应。Investigated in this paper were the electrophysiological responses of three plant species, Opuntia antiquorum, Aloe arboresesens.

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目的建立单个心房肌细胞的急性分离方法并记录其电生理特性。Objective To construct a method of isolating single guinea pig atrial myocyte and to measure its electrophysiological properties.

已有的电生理学实验已经表明,褪黑素可以调节海马神经元的兴奋性和突触可塑性。Previous electrophysiological experiments have revealed that melatonin modulates hippocampal neuronal excitability and plasticity.

术后4、8、12周进行大体观察、神经电生理测试、组织学检查和图像分析。General observation, electrophysiological study, histological study and image analysis were performed 4,8,12 weeks postoperatively.

如果他们的注意力真正分开,那么中间的那个标记应该没激活具有其特性的电心理反应。If their attention was really divided this symbol in the middle should not activate its characteristic electrophysiological response.

这是对依赖情感效价的、自主的、即人类前意识情绪作用之最初的电流生理学证据。This is the first electrophysiological evidence for valence-dependent, automatic, i. e. pre-attentive emotional processing in humans.

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这时,已有其他实验室利用不同方法得出数据,支持我们在电生理学上的发现。By this time, other laboratories using a variety of methods were also obtaining data that supported our electrophysiological findings.

电生理学的研究表明,根细胞离子通道对于矿质吸收、转运及植物耐盐具有重要作用。Electrophysiological studies have shown that ion channels play an important role in mineral uptake, translocation and salt resistance.

如上所述,在本发明的一个实施例中,可以使用3层ANN模块来用于电生理图分析。As described above, in an embodiment of the present invention, a 3-layer ANN module can be used for electrophysiological pattern analysis.