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又像英勇的火炬。And a valiant torch.

向勇敢的胜利者致敬。Hail to the victors valiant.

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一只公鸡勇敢的站在自己的粪堆上。A cock is valiant on his dunghill.

让我们向勇敢的胜利者致敬!Let's hail to the valiant victors.

狗在家门前条条都凶悍。Every dog is valiant at his won door.

公鸡在其粪堆上称雄。夜郎自大。A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.

缺了最亲爱的一个,最勇猛的一个,让·勃鲁维尔。One of the most valiant. Jean Prouvaire.

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借助那些士兵的力量击退顽敌!Repel the enemy with thy valiant soldiers!

先帝可是英明的君主。The late Emperor was a wise and valiant man.

伟大的宇航员斯皮夫被抓住了!The valiant Spaceman Spiff has been captured!

最勇敢者往往是最不幸者。The most valiant are often the most unfortunate.

这是我最后一次见到这样勇武的法国男子了。This was the last time I saw this valiant Frenchman.

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元老甲勃拉班修和那勇敢的摩尔人来了。First Senator. Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor.

特里严密的防守让博尔顿哑然失色。In defence, John Terry's valiant display kept Bolton out.

我永远不会让强健的翅膀与你柔软轻灵的身躯分离。I never let my valiant wings off your soft and fairy body.

为勇敢的探险家们举行了一个盛大的招待会。A large reception was held in honor of the valiant explorers.

便雅悯人死了的、有一万八千.都是勇士。Eighteen thousand Benjamites fell, all of them valiant fighters.

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虽然它极力保护孩子,袭击者依旧防不胜防。A valiant attempt to defend her babies does not deter these assailants.

Lewyn亲王是人最希望得到的那种英勇的手足兄弟。Prince Lewyn was as valiant a brother-in-arms as any man could wish for.

我很敬佩那些过去的现在的忠烈忠贞的男男女女们。I admire those of the past now Valiant Ones loyalty to the men and women.