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这是为他的新作求名的手段。This is a ploy to gain publicity for his new book.

您应该拒绝这种自私自利的手段。You should reject this self-serving sympathy ploy.

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这可能是个心理战术,或者更糟。It could be a psychological ploy , or something worse.

这是东京浩宇这家玩具制造商的促销花招。This is a marketing ploy by Tokyo toy maker Takara Co.

小孩常常用哭来得到想要的东西。Kids usually use crying as a ploy to get what they want.

那纯粹是障眼法,用以分散人们对他真正意图的注意力。It is all a ploy to distract attention from his real aim.

一个忠实的男孩为该游戏还是该工作懊恼不已。A loyal boy is annoyed by the choice between ploy and toil.

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正面地面对这样一个只是为了延期而耍的自欺欺人的花招吧。Confront this head-on as a self-deceptive ploy to postpone.

那纯粹是障眼法,用以分散人们对他真正意图的注意力。It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims.

长寿村的说法“基本上是一种营销策略”。Perls says. Longevity clusters are 'mostly a marketing ploy.

整个过程就是一次诱骗你上钩的过程,一场情感上的勒索。The ploy was a bait and switch, an act of emotional blackmail.

这种虚示尺寸的策略已经被长期应用于女性时尚连锁店。The vanity sizing ploy has long been used by women's fashion chains.

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废除内安法令。是大胆改革,还是仅仅是个选举秀?Harsh security laws are scrapped. Bold reform, or just an electoral ploy?

伊拉克政权一直把外交作为争取时间和优势的策略。The Iraqi regime has used diplomacy as a ploy to gain time and advantage.

华为此举本欲安抚美国政府,但却被认为是在耍花招。Instead, the attempt to appease government concerns was perceived as a ploy.

预期任命一位气候变化委员就是这样一项举措。The expected appointment of a commissioner for climate change is one such ploy.

而是以一种写实的手法获得自我满足的过程。It was a kind of procedure through self-satisfaction using the ploy of true-life.

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或者,他那牛仔式的讲话只是用来取悦他的铁杆支持者的一个政治策略呢?Or is the cowboy palaver just a political ploy to keep his core supporters happy?

这一促销手段只是汉堡王公司近来一连串病毒式营销策略中的一环。The marketing ploy is the latest in a string of viral ad campaigns by the company.

这当中并没什么捷径或者营销技巧,只有努力工作和真诚的接待。There is no shortcut or marketing ploy. It’s about hard work and genuine hospitality.