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死亡证书。A death certificate.

此证明无效。This certificate is invalid.

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查看一下你的出生证。Check your birth certificate.

证书,品质,商检局,代办,中国。Quality Certificate by C I Q.

每个证书都有过期日期。Each certificate has an expiry.

处理数字证书。Process the digital certificate.

邀请人的出生证明。The inviter's birth certificate.

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必须有深圳会计证。Must have accounting certificate.

你有灭鼠证书吗?Do you have deratting certificate?

你现在就把证书给我送过来。You get that certificate here now.

是指本科学位和毕业证明吗?B. Med. degree and grad certificate.

我有口语考试的A级合格证。I've got SET certificate of A level.

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我们需要一份植物检疫证书。We need a phytosanitary Certificate.

产地证是要自己做的吗?Certificate of origin to their to do?

你有鉴定书吗?Do you have an appraisal certificate?

我们需要一份植物检疫证书。Wee need a phytosanitary Certificate.

为什么我们应该相信这个证书呢?Why should we trust this certificate?

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首次申请CCEE长城认证。First applied the certificate of CCEE.

咱们需求一份植物检疫证书。We commor a phytosanitary Certificate.

这里还有我的种痘证书。And here is my vaccination certificate.