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那是一个可恶的侮辱。That was a doggone insult.

他所说的话含有侮辱的意味。What he said stank of insult.

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她被他的侮辱激怒了。She was enraged at his insult.

这种侮辱使他心里难受。The insult rankled in his mind.

这是所有赫特人的奇耻大辱!This is an insult to all Hutts!

我终于没去理会他的侮辱。I managed to pass off his insult.

其中一个开始侮辱另一个人。One starts to insult the other one.

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他不屑于理会那侮辱。He disdained to reply to the insult.

那样的侮辱使他深为伤心。The insult touched him to the heart.

它只是让伤口上的盐来得更快一些。It just makes the insult come sooner.

他对那次受辱仍耿耿于怀。The insult still rankled in his mind.

他对别人的侮辱给予一个机智的反驳。He made a witty comeback to the insult.

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我将为他的侮辱向他讨回公道。I will get even with him for his insult.

他发誓要报侮辱之仇。He vowed that he would avenge the insult.

这只是一种侮辱,一个毫无意义的侮辱。That's just an insult, a pointless insult.

根据这个标准,这个大选结果是一场侮辱。By that standard, this result is an insult.

它既可以是褒奖,也可以是侮辱。It can be either a compliment or an insult.

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骂蕾娜是白痴真是一种侮辱。Calling Rena an idiot would be a real insult.

多一次对人类的糟践和对上帝的亵渎!One wrong more to man, one more insult to God!

他们是对我亲爱的梦幻小屋的侮辱。They were an insult to my dear House of Dreams.