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抱歉胡说了一通。Sorry for the drivel.

但是宝贵的东西太少,胡言乱语太多。But there is too little gold and too much drivel.

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你的疯言疯语真是丢尽了美国人的脸。Your lunatic drivel is a disgrace to all Americans.

夏天,婴儿流清鼻涕是因为什么?Summer, is because, the baby sheds clear drivel what?

但是你可能经常会买回来一本你发现并不喜欢的书。But often once you buy a book you feel to read it, even if it is drivel.

而更糟糕的是,这部影片激起了一阵狂潮,矛头直指管理层。To make matters worse, the film has inspired a torrent of management drivel.

鼻涕偏黄,觉得鼻子里有臭味,这是什么病?Drivel slants yellow, feel to there is a stink in nose, what disease is this?

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如果这群乌合之众继续纠缠你,就别读那些废话。if the rabble continues to be occupied with you, simply stop reading that drivel.

但是你可能经常会买回来一本你发现并不喜欢的书。But often once you buy a book you feel obligated to read it, even if it is drivel.

问题的实质是,一个人是否应该为一家滔滔不绝说废话的公司工作。The question is whether one should work for a company that spouts cretinous drivel.

现在剩下的仅是完全由市场主导的无聊东西,迎合最低级、最没有文化的趣味。Now, there is only purely market-driven drivel aimed at the lowest, most uncultured taste.

老板要把这一派胡言奉为灵感,雇员可能会笑掉大牙。Employees are likely to laugh their tails off at any boss who cites this drivel as inspiration.

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至于那个老婆生了个鬼怪的人,简直是满嘴胡话!And as for the fellow whose wife gave birth to a phantom. That is pure drivel of the finest water!

这就是一群满脑子幻想的野生左撇子嬉皮士才说的疯话。This is the sort of drivel you get from a bunch of feral leftie hippies with no idea of the real world.

很多人认为这些歌词只是我的疯言疯语,但他们对我来说都有着特殊的含义。Unfortunately for me a lot of people thought I was just spouting drivel , but it all meant something to me!

如果他们想不出还有什么事情可做,就会说一些语无伦次的傻话来确认你是否仍然效忠于他们。When they can’t think of anything else, they make up some drivel like confirming you’re still loyal to them.

让人难过的发现,正有人用线控制着这个傀儡的嘴巴,说出这些不着边际的胡话。It would be sad to find out that someone was pulling the strings to allow such drivel to come out of this puppet's mouth.

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将美国首位非洲裔总统比作一只死去的黑猩猩带有明明的种族主义色彩。To compare the nation's first African-American commander in chief to a dead chimpanzee is nothing short of racist drivel.

将美国首位非洲裔总统比作一只死去的黑猩猩带有明显的种族主义色彩。To compare the nation's first African-American commander in chief to a dead chimpanzee is nothing short of racist drivel.

最重要的是,我们需要找到更好的方式,去发掘在线群众激动含混的智慧,同时摒弃无稽之谈。Above all, we need to find better ways of tapping the wisdom of the jabbering online masses while dispensing with the drivel.