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她很有事业心.She is enterprising.

奋发向上的精神消失了The enterprising spirit seems gone.

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他们都具有自信、进取心强、精通技术等特质,但也分别存在着自我中心、缺乏耐心、自私等缺点。They are confident, enterprising and tech savvy.

你妹妹真是一个绝对地敢作敢为的老姑娘。Your sister is an extremely enterprising old girl.

勇气就是敢于冒险,勇于进取,勇往直前。Courage is daring to be brave , enterprising , bold.

勇气就是敢于冒险,勇于进取,勇往直前。Courage is daring to be brave, enterprising and bold.

一切的一切,都是他不断进取的成果。All in all, he is constantly enterprising achievement.

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但是一位大胆的瑞典女校长并不这么想。But an enterprising Swedish schoolmistress thinks otherwise.

从开球的第一分钟起他们就显得很有进取心。They look enterprising from the first minute of the kick-off.

你们都是年轻的、有事业心的人,各自有自己的生活。You're both young, enterprising adults with lives of your own.

“人本、和谐、进取”是CHM管理团队的核心价值理念。" Human nature , harmony and enterprising" is the core value of CHM.

孙先生的直言不讳和进取精神在日本国内都算是罕见的。Mr Son’s outspokenness is as rare in Japan as his enterprising spirit.

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校长必须是一个勤奋学习,善于学习,勇于进取的人。The principal must be hard-working, good at learning and enterprising.

这一年,是团结向上勇于进取的一年。This year, is to solidify to heading up to brave for enterprising a year.

恐怕这这个传统的开始要归咎于一个有魄力的大公身上。Blame it on one enterprising archduke, who arguably started the tradition.

⊙、进取用汗水谱烈军属着奋斗和希望之歌。Enterprising LieJunShu with the sweat and the struggle and the song of hope.

积极进取的开拓精神,携手合作,共创美好明天。Enterprising and pioneering spirit, and work together for a better tomorrow.

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全球最富有创业精神的个体挤破头脑都想进美国。The most enterprising individuals on earth still clamour to come to America.

事业型——为人开朗外向,喜欢说服与领导他人。The Enterprising type is outgoing and likes to persuade or lead other people.

公司始终坚持积极的学习态度和创新精神。The company persists in studying attitude and the enterprising spirit actively.