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“我知道,”她平静地回答。“I do,” she replied, evenly.

生铁可均匀地传热。Cast iron conducts heat evenly.

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颜色涂得不匀。The colour is not evenly spread.

这钢丝弹簧绕得很均匀。The wire spring is evenly coiled.

你怎么能把奶油涂这么匀呢?How did you get them iced so evenly?

它们均等地分隔在这个模型中。They're evenly spaced in this model.

均匀撒盐在每一层芥菜上。Spread the salt evenly on each layer.

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因为所有的等级是等间距的。Because the levels are all evenly spaced.

一团一团均匀地挤在上面。I just sorta dollop it evenly on the top.

即该立场的选票会被平均分摊The voters of that position split evenly.

将漆均匀地剧在墙上。Distribute the paint evenly over the wall.

取适量胶水均匀涂抹在道钉上。Take appropriate glue evenly on the spike.

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那就是为什么等高线图是均匀间隔线的排列的。That's why the contours are evenly spaced.

麦苗出得很匀。The wheat sprouts are growing very evenly.

均匀地提起内侧和外侧足弓。Draw up your inner and outer ankles evenly.

“当然不带,”春发叔淡然地答道。"Certainly not, " Uncle Chunfa said evenly.

我知道。两个拳击手的实力相当。I know. The boxers are really evenly matched.

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保持头发滋润。You should keep your hair evenly moisturized.

施釉三遍及均匀地遍布结晶体。Brush 3 coasts dispersing the crystals evenly.

在清水墙时,必须将立缝排匀。Set up vertical joints evenly in the dry wall.