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皮斯托尔说,孩子的鞋子很小,不大可能藏匿炸弹。Small shoes are unlikely to have bombs hidden inside, Mr. Pistole said.

旅游协会希望国会认可那些给皮斯托在其改革方向上更多自由的想法。The travel association wants Congress to endorse those ideas to give Pistole greater freedom to move in that direction.

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皮斯托尔呼吁民众不要这样做,因为这会加剧机场的延误现象,让更多人出行不便。Pistole called on the people not to do so, because this will increase the airport delays, so that more people travel inconvenience.

皮斯托勒警告民众不要抵制安检,并说,当大多数旅客只想回家与家人团聚时,这样做会引起延误。Pistole warned against the boycott, saying it would cause delays at a time when most travelers just want to get home to their families.

皮斯托尔说,911恐怖袭击之后,美国的多重安检和全球合作措施极大地提高了空中旅行的安全性。Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the many layers of security in the U.S. and coordination around the world have made flying safer, Mr. Pistole said.

皮斯托尔说,他非常重视旅客的担忧,运管局仍旧在调查投诉量大举攀升的原因。Mr. Pistole said he takes the concerns of the traveling public seriously, and that TSA is still assessing what is behind the jump in complaints.

皮斯托尔说,这种新软件只适用于运管局目前使用的两种机器中的一种,该软件的应用可以加快安检流程。The new software, available so far for only one of the two kinds of machines TSA is using, will speed up the screening process, Mr. Pistole said.

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皮斯托勒星期一在美国的电视节目上说,他“完全了解”人们对使用全身扫描器和全身搜身检查会侵犯旅客的隐私的担忧。John Pistole said on U.S. television Monday that he is "very aware" of concerns that full-body scanners and thorough pat-down searches invade travelers' privacy.

皮斯托勒星期一在美国的电视节目上说,他“完全了解”人们对使用全身扫描器和全身搜身检查会侵犯旅客的隐私的担忧。John Pistole said on U. S. television Monday that he is "very aware" of concerns that full-body scanners and thorough pat-down searches invade travelers' privacy.

皮斯托尔当天在接受全国广播公司采访时说,作为安全部门,运输安全管理局必须在旅客安全与隐私之间找到平衡。Pistole told NBC the day of interview, said that as security, Transportation Security Administration, travelers must find the balance between security and privacy.