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人们把法佛尔称为不老的神话。People call Brett Favre the ageless one.

布雷特也已经学会了感激蒂娜和她做的晚餐。Brett has learned to appreciate Tina. And her cooking.

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布莱特格瑞是美国佳士得拍卖行副理事长。Brett Gorvy, is the Deputy Chairman of Christies Americas.

福尔摩斯偏爱可卡因,而布雷特则需要锂盐。Holmes was partial to cocaine, while Brett needed lithium.

我问布雷特,早些时候的治疗他还记得多少。I asked Brett what he remembers about thoseearly sessions.

布雷特第一次到我这里来的时候才四岁。Brett had his first appointment with mewhen he was four years old.

布雷特开车带蒂娜回家,然后自个回到活动中来。Brett drove Tina home and then returned to the conference by himself.

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周末中,布雷特重新把自己的生命托付给主。Midway through the weekend, Brett recommitted his life to Jesus Christ.

亚力斯和布莱特很快在佛吉尼亚州大学上大二了。Alex and Brett will soon strat their second year of university in Virginia.

超级球星四分卫布雷特·法弗的经纪人称他将退役。An agent for super star quarterback Brett Farve says his client is retiring.

超级明星四分卫布雷特法弗的经济人称他就要退休了。An agent for super star quarterback Brett Farve says his client is retiring.

第二天晚上,布雷特吃了几口晚餐,感到几乎要窒息了。The next night Brett took a couple bites from dinner and practically choked.

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过去几个月中,彼得•K、特拉维斯•艾尔比、以及布莱特•B等人亦步其后尘。Similar stories over the past few months for Peter K, Travis Irby, and Brett B.

惊呆了,我站在布雷特放在我的手,白色的玫瑰花蕾,抱住我很难。Stunned, I stood as Brett placed the white rosebud in my hand and hugged me hard.

我问布雷特对早期的约谈有无印象,他回答记不大清了。I asked Brett what he remembers about thoseearly sessions. The answer is not much.

布雷特。法乌将要在周一下午重新返回到绿色海湾队。Brett Farve will return to the Green Bay Packer's roster effective Monday afternoon.

布雷特。法弗将于周一如愿重返绿湾包装工队。Brett Farve will return to the Green Bay Packers' roster effective Monday afternoon.

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几个月后,我们再瞧,看看布赖特和瑞秋的工作室做的怎么样。We'll check in with Brett and Rachel in a few months to see how their studio is doing.

在接来下的几个月里,布雷特开始向蒂娜表明自己的改变。Over the next few months, Brett began to demonstrate to Tina that he was a changed man.

布瑞特法瑞已返回绿海湾包装工队,但还不清楚他将担任什么角色。Brett Favre has returned to the Green Bay Packers, but it's unclear what his role will be.