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关爱式科学研究是支撑威豪中心所有工作的基础。Caring Science is the ethos that underpins all we do at WALTHAM.

根据沃尔瑟姆宠物营养中心得出的结论,宠物可以帮助人类缓解紧张状态。According to the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, pets help reduce stress.

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威豪为提供犬类肥胖问题的流行病学数据做出了贡献。WALTHAM has contributed to the body of epidemiological data on canine obesity.

这意味着威豪中心经常寻找一些绕过宠物的方式开展工作。This means that WALTHAM often finds ways around using pets for some of the work.

威豪中心利用响片训练,所有培训都是以奖励为基础的正面奖赏。All training at WALTHAM is reward-based positive reinforcement using clicker-training.

关爱式科学研究理念为威豪的科学家们带来了挑战,但是回报也是巨大的。The Caring Science approach can present WALTHAM scientists with challenges, but the reward is great.

威豪已经成功开发出第一种被证明有助于延长患有慢性肾病的猫的寿命的猫粮。WALTHAM developed the first diet proven to increase the lifespan of cats diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

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但是,我们很快发现威豪中心的狗狗们老是高兴地甩着尾巴,这样会影响测量结果。However, it soon became apparent that the happy wagging tails of the dogs at WALTHAM could influence the measurements.

有一天我去沃尔瑟姆斯托大街,走进一家当地相框商店,就在沃尔瑟姆斯托市政厅对面。I went down Walthamstow High Road the other day and I went into a local frame store, which is opposite Waltham Forest Town Hall.

威豪中心的早期研究主要是深入认识这些影响猫进食时间、进食内容和食量的行为。Early studies at WALTHAM generated insight into these behaviours which influence when cats eat, what they eat and how much they eat.

他们派往麻州的调查员回报说,华桑工厂不但生产力更高,而且生产成本也更低廉。The investigator they sent to Massachusetts discovered that not only was productivity higher at the Waltham factory but that production costs were less.

今年的施工人员有40个学生的5个主机市镇-格里塔以前,瓦林、格林威治村庄——总数达到100。This year’s Construction Crew is made up of 40 schoolchildren from the five Host Boroughs – Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest and Greenwich – bringing the total to 100.