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普通话水平测试属于标准参照性考试。Putonghua test is a kind of standard referential test.

这样就保证了表间的引用完整性。That ensures referential integrity between the tables.

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名词的词义有基本意义和实指意义两个方面。A noun has the denotational and the referential meaning.

考虑一下事务处理和引用完整性,就能够明白这有多么困难。Think of transaction handling and referential integrity.

对于弗米尔的“天文学家’,有明显的参考价值And it is obviously referential to Vermeer's "The Astronomer."

对于弗米尔的“天文学家’,有明显的参考价值“And it is obviously referential to Vermeer's "The Astronomer."

第四章主要论述了文学翻译中言内意义的实现。Chapter Three discusses the referential meaning in literary translation.

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指称转喻是转喻的一个分支,用以区分述谓转喻和言外转喻。The realization of referential metonymy in language is nouns in lexicon.

该研究为采动区的桥梁保护提供了参考依据。The results are of referential value for bridge protection in mining area.

这个表使用引用完整性约束确保数据的有效性。This table uses referential integrity constraints to ensure data validity.

模板实现期间处理表之间的参照完整性Dealing with referential integrity between tables during template definition

所谓模糊性,也就是人们认识中关于对象类属边界和性态的不确定性。Indeterminacy refers to the indefiniteness of the referential boundary of a category.

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什麽是外国关键限制?为什麽这样限制重要?什麽参考?。What is a foregin key constraint?Why are such constraints important?What is referential?

结论本方法工艺合理,可为工业化大生产提供参考。Conclusion the technology is rational as to be referential for industrialized production.

以期为法制行业报的发展提供一份真实并且可资参考的研究材料。The thesis may provide true and referential research for the development of legal newspapers.

比如,复杂的数据关系要求有完全的引用完整性限制。For instance, complex data relationships would require full referential integrity enforcement.

接下来的例子展示了如何在更复杂的例子中使用检查约束和引用约束。The next example shows how check and referential constraints are used in a more complex example.

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德国戏剧大师布莱希特在创作中十分注重借鉴吸收中国戏曲艺术的营养成分。German drama master Brarite intends to make a referential use of the advantages of Chinese drama.

在这种情况下,应该首先填充主表,以保持引用约束。In that case, the primary table should be populated first to maintain the referential constraint.

取决于项目的目的,可以从一个方向或同时从两个方向检查引用完整性。This referential integrity can be checked in one or both directions depending on the project goal.