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帮助者超类提供了实际的帮助The helper superclass offers real help

但是要记住,那个超类还在开发之中。But remember that the superclass is in progress.

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可以在这里添加名称和超类了。From there, you can add the name and superclass.

而有时则是直接从超类继承这一特性。Sometimes they merely inherit it from a superclass.

超类方法——在运行时不需要其他实例。Superclass methods -- no additional instance needed at run time.

它指明注释的方法将覆盖超类中的方法。It indicates that the annotated method is overriding a method in a superclass.

超类的方法可以通过使用相同的名称声明属性来扩展。A method of a superclass can be extended by declaring an attribute with the same name.

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经过继承的使用,程序设计者能许多次重复使用总纲的码。Through the use of inheritance, programmers can reuse the code in the superclass many times.

如果两个类需要支持相同的接口,它们都应该扩展相同的超类。If two classes need to support the same interface, they should both extend the same superclass.

在我们的例子中,构造器接收了一个表示超类名称的字符串。In the example shown here, the constructor accepts a string that represent the superclass name.

类是有层次性的,所以子类可以继承父类的行为。Classes are arranged in a hierarchy, so that a subclass can inherit behavior from its superclass.

类或接口由于是自己的超类或超接口而不能被装入。A class or interface could not be loaded because it would be its own superclass or superinterface.

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然而,亚纲没被限制在状态和对他们被他们的总纲提供的行为。However, subclasses are not limited to the state and behaviors provided to them by their superclass.

弱优先文法和弱运算符优先文法都是它的真子文法。Therefore the class of generalized precedence grammar is a superclass of the weak precedence grammar.

亚纲提供来自由总纲提供的通常元件的基专门的行为。Subclasses provide specialized behaviors from the basis of common elements provided by the superclass.

您还会注意到的另一个差别是有多个单选按钮和一个用于选择父类的复选框。Another difference you'll notice are several radio buttons and a checkbox for selecting the superclass.

原始类型R的任何非静态类型成员不能从R的超接口或者超类继承。Any non-static type member of a raw type R that is not inherited from a superclass or superinterface of R.

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由于超类不会像子类那样被频繁引用,对子类的命名就不必考虑太多简洁的因素。Because a superclass is not referenced as frequently as a sublcass the names do not have to be as concise.

所以在创建对象之前,必须构造相同类或其超类的另一个对象。So before an object is created, another object of the same class or of its superclass must be constructed.

同样,您几乎总是在子代方法主体的开始或结束部分调用超类方法。Likewise, you almost always call a superclass method at either the start or end of a descendent method body.