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软脚流氓不能进行阻挡。Spineless Thug can't block.

我的主管是一个没骨气的人。My supervisor is a spineless person.

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您这个没骨头的贪婪的可耻叛徒!You spineless , greedy and dirty traitor!

说起来,我那时候真的太懦弱了。Anyway, I at that time really too spineless.

梦到我们在一起了,然后我就很没有骨气的笑醒了。Dreams of us together, then I was spineless laugh awake.

我忍受你那些没种的臣民虚假的祷告,要到几时呢?How long will I endure the insincere prayers of your spineless subjects?

我的主管是一个没骨气的人。他不敢为他做的决定负责。My supervisor is a spineless person. He never stands behind his decisions.

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服从精神你无须凡事唯唯诺诺才算是一名好的追随者。Followership You don't have to be a spineless yes-person to be a good follower.

哼,罗密欧,你怎么能像一个软弱、没骨气的傻瓜一样屈服!Oh Romeo, how can you act like such a weak, spineless fool and kiss our enemy's feet!

欢迎到舞台上,而高级武士转化难对付得多。Welcome to the Arena, where high-ranking warriors are transformed into spineless mush.

他对老板很恼火,但又不敢对他直说。有时他太懦弱了。He was really angry at his boss but was afraid to tell him. Sometimes he's so spineless.

希望没有骨气的腐败国大党让出位置后,新的印度政府能表现出一些勇气。Hopefully after spineless corrupt CONgress vacates seat, the new govt. will act with some courage.

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如果你让别人为你思考,你愿称呼自己为没有主心骨的弱者吗?。Would you call yourself a "spineless weakling" if you permitted others to do your thinking for you?

在慕尼黑,还有更近些的巴黎、纽约的软骨头外交什么也没有得到。The spineless diplomacy demonstrated at Munich, and more recently in Paris and New York, achieves nothing.

人们有份工作后,自由意志好像都莫名其妙地被排干了,全变成了没骨气的胆小鬼。It's as if getting a job somehow drains all the free will out of people and turns them into spineless cowards.

这就好像是得到了一份工作后却又不知何故地丢失了自由意志,并使得这些人变成了没有骨气的懦夫。It’s as if getting a job somehow drains all the free will out of people and turns them into spineless cowards.

印度被一帮性无能的妻管严统治着,别指望这些家伙能硬起来。India is ruled by an impotent eunch that barks when his mistress sais so. Do not expect tough talk from the spineless eunch.

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甚至连南非都开始反对他了,南非总统塔博·姆贝基是个软弱的家伙,他一直拒绝直率的批评穆加贝先生。Even South Africa, whose spineless president, Thabo Mbeki, is still refusing to criticise Mr Mugabe outright, has begun to turn against him.

嘴下方的在鳞片上的下颌,一个无棘鳞片在后第一背鳍的大区域与细长的密集小刺上有狭窄的齿箍。Mouth inferior with narrow tooth band on lower jaw, a large area of spineless scales behind 1st dorsal fin, and slender dense spinules on scales.

他们逃亡,然后被乱枪击倒在首尔的大街上,这一段是描写真正的英雄和软弱无能的政府走狗两者的高潮部分。They escaped and were taken down in a wild shoot-out on the streets of Seoul, depicted as high noon between true heroes and spineless government lackeys.