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听说你以前是国安局的破译员?。I heard you used to be a code breaker for the NSA.

国家安全局已经建议将密级水平上升到128位加密。The NSA recommends 128-bit encryption up to the secret level.

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直到三周前,史诺顿还在美国国安局夏威夷办公室工作。Until three weeks ago, Snowden worked at an NSA office in Hawaii.

由于一些原因,国安局很喜欢用"国内"这个狡猾的词。NSA likes to use "domestic" as a weasel word here for a number of reasons.

显然,国安局的黑客把地图放出来的,整个地图都是红彤彤的。Conversly, NSA put up a map of who they hacked, and the entire map was solid red.

华为、国安局和AT&T对国安局干涉此项交易拒绝置评。Huawei, the NSA and AT&T declined to discuss the agency's intervention in the deal.

塞尔一起来参加会议,后者是全国学生联合会西南地区的代表,也是来自阿肯色州。He had come to the meeting with Southwestern's NSA delegate, Debbie Sale, also an Arkansan.

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影子经纪人声称,这些其所窃取的数据是NSA所使用的精密网络武器。The Shadow Brokers claim that the stolen goods are sophisticated cyberweapons used by the NSA.

国家安全档案机构还帮助培训记者和其他人士学习如何利用新闻自由法进行调查采访。NSA has also helped train journalists and others on how to use FOIA laws to investigate stories.

因为不仅仅国家安全顾问,国土安全,政府官员,国会议员,内阁官员都想见总统。Because not only the NSA homeland security, the governors, members of congress, cabinet officers.

SonicWALL以E7500的多核设计来保证系统的吞吐速度能力。SonicWALL credits the NSA E7500’s multicore design with the system’s throughput speed capabilities.

想要有所作为,一名国家安全顾问必须亲身紧跟总统,并与其行事风格保持一致。To be effective, an NSA must be personally close to the president and in sync with his operating style.

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而在这次黑客大会上,国家安全局和其他联邦政府机构将与企业争相物色黑客人才。But at Defcon, the NSA and other "Feds" will be competing with corporations looking for hacking talent too.

能够提供PSTN连接的vIPer电话,将在今年的3季度进行NSA认证测试。The vIPer, with PSTN Connect, will be submitted for NSA certification testing in the third-quarter of 2008.

但它不能告诉我们,制订宪法的人对国家安全局从电脑中搜查数据行动是个什么看法。It can't tell us the Founders ' specific views on the reasonableness of an NSA computer data-mining operation.

实际上如果你看看过去的事情,从那时开始,我们从NSA大概赚了1亿美元。And in fact if you look over the past, the period since then, we've probably earned 100 million dollars from NSA.

在安全终端执行顶级机密数据录入,负责办理无罪证明的国家安全局工作人员可以跳过这个小技巧不看。Code-clearance NSA operatives performing top-secret data entry at secure terminals should probably skip this tip.

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格里桑说这一举措不必牺牲公司的自主权而拥有了全国性的发展机会。In 1994, ADPC joined NSA. Glisan says the move gave ADPC national scope, without sacrificing the firm's autonomy.

在一月的某天,清华大学至少有64台电脑和服务器受到美国国家安全局的网络攻击。In one single day of January, at least 63 computers and servers in Tsinghua University have been hacked by the NSA.

据说国防部长罗伯特·盖茨表示,在战争进行地最激烈的时候多尼伦接任国家安全顾问是个“灾难”。Secretary of Defense Robert Gates reportedly said in the heat of that battle that Donilon would be a “disaster” as NSA.