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火光烛天。The blaze lit up the sky.

干木燃起夺目的火焰。Dry wood makes a good blaze.

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人们拥到了贝雷兹的周围。The people crowded around Blaze.

我用一根粗头火柴点着它I'd blaze it with a kitchen match

他沉沦于名利的火拼。He falls in the blaze of his fame!

路边的草引起了一场大火。The roadside grass became a blaze.

他正用通条捅火。He poked the coals up into a blaze.

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这场大火造成至少53人死亡。The blaze killed at least 53 people.

我见过你笑,连蓝宝石的光芒。I saw you smile the sapphire's blaze.

怒火中烧,对着他们大吼起来。In a blaze of anger he shouted at them.

救火员被大火挡住了前行白勺脚步。The fireman was prevented by the blaze.

大火被勇敢的消防队员扑灭了。The blaze was quenched by the brave firemen.

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你在华盛顿任何地方都能看到浓烟。You could see the blaze all over Washington.

从格兰奇镇赶来的消防人员把大火扑灭了。Fire crews from Grangetown put out the blaze.

也许那就是在灯火阑珊处的自己。Perhaps that is myself in the blaze of light.

盲眼也可以如流星般灿烂并光鲜Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay

麦琪到处都能看见那种鲜艳的色彩。Everywhere Meggie looked was a blaze of color.

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手榴弹的五秒引信总会在三秒内烧完。Five second fuses forever blaze three seconds.

象夏日麦杆的燃烧,在冬至时节。Like a blaze of summer straw, in winter's nick.

看那北方天空天空熊熊的怒火,是勇气在燃烧,恨意长!Is it valor or hate the blaze in the northen sky?