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我还不知道你竟是这样渊博。I didn't know you were so encyclopaedic.

但是一个文本不能自成语言学或百科全书式的系统。But a text itself is not a linguistic or an encyclopaedic system.

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而现代生活的方方面面都被电影记录了下来。But the life of the modern world has been recorded on film in massive, encyclopaedic detail.

你是否对自己最爱的球队了如指掌并且拥有绝佳的耐性进行数据收集呢?Do you ooze football knowledge, have an encyclopaedic interest in your favourite team and the patience for data entry?

是的,我们没有强大家庭背景,没有不寻常才能,没有百科全书的知识和没有未完成的观点。Yeah, we have no mighty family background, no exceptional capability, no encyclopaedic knowledge and no outstanding viewpoint.

“卡拉将来很可能会成为一名主教练,他对这项运动无所不知,”曾经的队长小雷如是说。"Don't bet against Jamie becoming a manager one day, he has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the game, " said the one-time Reds captain.

我们成为我们所钟爱的肥皂剧准专家,对他们全方位的了解给我们带来了极大的乐趣。We become semi-experts on our favourite soaps, and our encyclopaedic knowledge of them, fuelled by the above points, gives us great pleasure.

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作为一名学者,他治学严谨,博览群书,表达方式深入人心,很快便获得了高度的国际名望。He rapidly acquired an enormous international reputation as a scholar who was rigorous in his methods, encyclopaedic in his reading and humane in his mode of expression.

地方志书是反映某一地方社会、政治、经济、文化等诸多方面的百科全书,其生存价值的最大体现在于存史。The books on Local history are encyclopaedic which reflect the society . politics , economic, . culture and various fields in this place. One of the most important value is to keep the history.

熟知温网历史的温布尔登图书管理员阿兰?里特专为他的温布尔登年鉴编撰了温网中央球场“最有趣的入侵史”。Wimbledon librarian Alan Little, who boasts an encyclopaedic knowledge of tournament history, has compiled for his annual Wimbledon compendium a history of the most intriguing Centre Court invasions.

熟知温网历史的温布尔登图书管理员阿兰·里特专为他的温布尔登年鉴编撰了温网中央球场“最有趣的入侵史”。Wimbledon librarian Alan Little, who boasts an encyclopaedic knowledge of tournament history, has compiled for his annual Wimbledon compendium a history of the most intriguing Centre Court invasions.