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加尔文与贺治都持著这看法。Calvin and Hodge take this view.

霍奇爷爷眯着眼问道。Grandpa Hodge asked, narrowing his eyes.

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①那种典型的没有变化的霍吉已经不存在了。The typical and unvarying Hodge ceased to exist.

我是霍奇太太能和丹妮尔说话吗?。Hi. It's, uh, mrs. Hodge . May i please speak with Danielle ?

贺治,华尔费德是19世纪,美国教会面对新派神学的护教领袖。Hodge and Warfield were the leaders in apologetic vs. liberal theology, in 19th century.

Hodge在抵达朝鲜之4天前,向其属下军官称「朝鲜过去是美国的敌方」。Hodge arrived in Korea, Hodge told his officers that "Korea was an enemy of the United States".

他的最新作品,三个轮子的车辆称为霍奇小鹰现已好奇许多人包括我在内。His latest work, three-wheeled vehicle called Hodge Hawk has now intrigued many people including me.

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“第一个筛子叫真实。你要告诉我的消息确实是真的吗?”霍奇爷爷眯着眼问道。"The first sieve is Truth. Is the news you will tell me true?" Grandpa Hodge asked, narrowing his eyes.

也许霍奇和贝克会反对,但在此之前,他的记录或许比胡佛要好一些。On this front, his is a record that, despite the demurrals from Hodge and Baker, is better than Hoover’s.

霍奇承认这个争论非常长,长到可以使人认为此次改革根本不会使任何人受益。Hodge acknowledges the debate just long enough to dismiss the idea that there might be any benefit at all.

“第一个筛子叫真实。你要告诉我的消息确实是真的吗?”霍奇爷爷眯着眼问道。"The first sieve is the truth. Is the news you will tell me true?" Grandpa Hodge asked, narrowing his eyes.

约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院的詹姆斯G霍吉金教授说背景是关键。Context is key, said James G. Hodge Jr. , a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

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现在霍奇提出了他自己的、完全不同的、对奥巴马政府造成的自由主义幻灭感的看法。Now Hodge offers his own, quite different, account of the liberal disillusionment occasioned by the Obama administration.

霍奇在阐述那些问题的同时,只花了相对少的篇幅来描写奥巴马总统当政期间业绩的细节。Hodge gets around those obstacles in part by devoting relatively little time to the particulars of Obama’s record as president.

“等一下,”霍奇爷爷摸了摸胡子,打断了他的话,“你要告诉我的消息,用三个筛子筛过了吗?”“Wait a moment,” Grandpa Hodge stroked his beard and cut him short, “Have you sifted the news you will tell me with three sieves?”

“等一下,”霍奇爷爷摸了摸胡子,打断了他的话,“你要告诉我的消息,用三个筛子筛过了吗?”“Wait a moment, ” Grandpa Hodge stroked his beard and cut him short, “Have you sifted the news you will tell me with three sieves?”

同时,也使霍奇忽视了一些对人们的生活产生立竿见影的切实影响的政治决策。More to the point, it leads Hodge to neglect some of the political decisions that most immediately affect the lives of actual people.

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杰克一定带了7头牲畜到集市去,霍奇一定带了11头而杜克一定带了21头。这样总共有39头。Jakes must have taken 7 animals to market, Hodge must have taken 11, and Durrant must have taken 21. There were thus 39 animals altogether.

“当六周的时间内有成千上会员加入后我们就开始怀疑了,其中的一些人根本连一幅油画都没有,”霍奇如是告诉卫报说。"We got suspicious when tens of thousands of new members were accepted over a six-week period, many of whom were no oil painting, " Hodge told the Guardian.

霍奇爷爷是村里最受欢迎的长者,因为他讲话做事都很有哲理,大家都尊称他为“智慧爷爷”。Grandpa Hodge was the most popular sage in the village because he was so philosophic in speaking and doing things that everyone revered him as “Grandpa Wisdom”.