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亚信峰会成立于1992年。CICA was established in 1992.

他确立了他的学说。He has established his theory.

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贵公司建立时间?When was the firm established?

建立安全剃须刀。Seki Safety Razor is established.

编制了生命表。The life tables were established.

同星云星建立联系。Contact is established with Nebulos.

他以做裁缝为业。He established himeself as a tailor.

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这家公司创办于一八六零年。The company was established in 1860.

这种用法现已得到确认。The usage is now firmly established.

本厂创建于一九九零年。This factory was established in 1990.

谁发明了新世界记实?Who established the new world record?

确立了人体舒适度指标体系。The body comfort index is established.

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博赛帝公司成立于1966年。Company BOCEDI was established in 1966.

我在500英尺标线的位置上开始做这个动作。I get established in the 500-foot line.

我家附近忻建撂一家工厂。A new factory was established near home.

人类基因图谱数据库建立.Human Gene Mapping database established.

马克和谭雅已经建立起了融洽的关系。Mark and Tanya have established rapport.

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传代培养细胞不能增生。The subculture could not be established.

联合国世界气象组织成立。UN World Meteorological Org established.

王利波曾组建乐队,担任乐队鼓手。Established and played as a band drummer.