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有人一直在翻我的抽屉偷东西。Somebody has been rifling my drawers.

这是少有的,她说,通过病人的破烂的纪录膛线。It was rare, she said, rifling through a patient's tattered record.

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有人翻过我的抽屉,一些钱不见了。Someone's been rifling through my drawers, there's some money missing.

基于模板匹配的火炮身管膛线缠角测量技术研究。New Method for Measuring the Rifling Angle of Artillery Pipe Based on Template Matching.

基于模板匹配的火炮身管膛线缠角测量技术研究。A New Method for Measuring the Rifling Angle of Artillery Pipe Based on Template Matching.

有正在打电话的商人、一群困惑的证人,还有一个匆匆搜寻档案柜的古怪老头。There are suits on phones, a confused crowd of witnesses and a codger rifling through filing cabinets.

弹丸可有偏心,其转动和平动的关系由膛线缠角确定。Relationship between rotation and translation of the projectile is determined by the pitch of the rifling.

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并且靠稍微偏移后瞄准座来修正大型火炮因膛线所带来的偏流。Correction for drift caused by the adoption of rifling in big guns was approximated by inclination of the rear sight bracket.

在重型枪管正是由冷锻造良好的精度和寿命更长的过程多边形膛线锤。The heavy barrel is precisely made by the cold hammer forging process with polygonal rifling for improved accuracy and longer life.

即使他们掠过你上了膛的枪口,诱拐了你的孩子,或者鲁莽地闯入你私人的野餐篮子。Even when they're rifling through your bins, abducting your children or conducting audacious raids on privately owned pic-a-nic baskets.

针对带膛线身管这一特殊的测量对象,研制了一种能自动测量火炮膛线的新型管道机器人。Aiming at the special measure object—barrel with rifling, a new type of pipe robot was developed, which was used to measure rifling automatically.

我越来越激动地在各个衣柜翻找,在那些脏衣服里翻找,在那些堆积在走廊的“生活袋”中翻找。I am rifling through the cupboards in rising irritation, through the dirty laundry, through the collection of "bags for life" that clog the hallway.

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身份盗窃现在已变得如此普遍认为,窃贼是膛线,通过垃圾,以达到任何信息,他们可以使用窃取从他们不知情的受害者。Identity theft has now become so prevalent that thieves are rifling through garbage to attain any information that they can use to steal from their unsuspecting victims.

可我的大闺女总选择在上学前一刻、睡前或我正当带着豺狼般贪婪的面目洗劫冰箱时来纠缠我,恳求我允许她穿耳洞。The Big Girl chooses to pester me with her pleas to get her ear pierced just before school, just before bed, or when I'm rifling in the refrigerator with a wolfish look.

可我的大女儿总选择在上学前一刻、睡前或我正当带着豺狼般贪婪的面目洗劫冰箱时来纠缠我,恳求我允许她穿耳洞。The Big Girl chooses to pester me with her pleas to get her ear pierced just before school, just before bed, or when I'm rifling in the refrigerator with a wolfish look.

进膛痕迹、线膛痕迹、坡膛痕迹、拔弹痕迹是弹头经枪械运动循环后,在弹头上形成的四种主要的弹头痕迹。Chamber-loading trace, rifling trace, chamber throat trace and bullet pulling brace are the four major bullet traces which formed on the bullet after its movement circulation.

清洁工们常常被客人指控,说她们从床头柜里偷钱、用房间里的电话打国际长途、偷拿行李箱和珠宝。Housekeepers are routinely accused by guests of stealing money from nightstands, making international calls from the room phones, rifling through luggage and pocketing jewelry.

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本泽玛在三分种后打入第2粒进球,他在中场带球突破至离门25米处拔脚怒射,皮球穿过守门员飞入左下死角。Benzema got his second three minutes later when he ended a surging run through the middle by rifling a 25-metre low shot which flew past McGregor into the bottom left-hand corner.

可大闺女总选择在要上学的前一刻、睡前或我正当带着豺狼般贪婪的面目洗劫冰箱时来纠缠地恳求我允许她穿耳洞。The Big Girl chooses to pester me with her pleas to get her ear pierced just before school, just before bed, or when I'm rifling in the refrigerator with a wolfish look. She couldn't pick worse times.