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“我亲自去站岗!”伊林说。"I'll be sentinel myself! " said Ilyin.

闭孔淋巴结可能是宫颈癌的前哨淋巴结。Obturator lymph node may be the sentinel node.

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守卫,我请求觐见高等月神牧师。Sentinel , I would speak with your High Priestess.

骑哨先于前哨基地驻扎的骑马的。A mounted sentinel stationed in advance of an outpost.

威尔颤抖着抱紧树干,面颊贴住哨兵树的树皮。His face pressed hard against the trunk of the sentinel.

现在,我刚才提到了这个标记值。Now, I mentioned this other sentinel value a while back.

特别感谢阳光哨兵写此文章.Thanks to the Sun Sentinel for writing about this issue.

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一个哨兵把他的步枪拍的一声转到左手。A sentinel struck the rings of his carbine against his left hand.

琳达还固定在适当的位置,追踪着掩护的哨兵。Linda was still locked in place, tracking the overwatch Sentinel.

这项生物战剂侦测器将可能因此变成万用的疾病守护者。Thus, a bioweapon sensor could become a universal disease sentinel.

就像哨兵要时刻监守自己的岗位,画家要专心做画一样。Like a sentinel on guard duty, or an artist working with his paints.

这里很少有掩护,所以他扫描天空中的哨兵看守。There was less cover, so he scanned the skies for Sentinel overwatch.

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山城,茶园丘陵上一个已经被废弃了的茶厂岗哨。Disused tea factory standing sentinel over tea garden hillside, Hill Country.

“你每天吃草不就得了!”哨兵尼尔蹦出水面。"Come on, you should eat grass every day! " Sentinel Neil jumped out the water.

当这群陌生人说出口令后,哨兵就允许他们通过了。The sentinel permitted the strangers to pass when they had given the countersign.

然而,像哨兵提供惠普或萨满一些掌握度提供情报。However, some masteries like Sentinel provides HP or Shaman provides intelligence.

哨兵骑士似乎并利用电晕极光带麦克恢复生机。The Sentinel Knight appears and uses the Corona Aurora to bring Mack back to life.

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一个消防队员靠在高烟囱旁好象在那儿站岗。A fireman had placed his back against a tall chimney, and seemed to be acting as sentinel.

黑色素细胞标记物提高了前哨淋巴结检测黑色素瘤的敏感性。Melanocytic markers enhance the sensitivity of melanoma detection in sentinel lymph nodes.

他是铁卫军中重要的辅助英雄,支援铁卫军以保卫他的家园。Supporting the Sentinel to defend his own land, he is a valued support hero for the Sentinel.