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他用恳求的眼光望着儿子。He casts a beseeching glance at his son.

她紧紧挨着父亲,恳求他答应。She clung to her father, beseeching him for consent.

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这话更多是对卢平说的,他恳求他的原谅。He addressed Lupin more than any of them, beseeching him.

“我得知道你的确相信我,”她用眼睛恳求他。"I need to know you do believe me, " she says, her eyes beseeching.

耶稣进了迦百农,有一个百夫长进前来,求他说And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him

因为在过去,你们只是单方面的对我说话、向我祈求、跟我求情。For in the past you have only talked to Me, praying to Me, interceding with Me, beseeching Me.

他的漂亮而黝黑的脸,从来没有这样地靠近过她,正在以恳切的柔情望着她。His dark beautiful face, nearer to hers than it had ever been before, was looking at her with beseeching tenderness.

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听到这一声呼喊,丈夫伸出手来,看来真的要把无形的安东尼娅勒死在他周围聚集的空气中,他的眼睛恳求着苍天。At this, the husband reached out and seemed to strangle invisible Antonias in the air all around him, his eyes beseeching Heaven.

然而,南希的声音在他耳旁响了起来,那声音恳求自己别忘了她的话,语气是那样痛苦,奥立弗没有勇气喊出声来。But the girl's voice was in his ear, beseeching him in such tones of agony to remember her, that he had not the heart to utter it.

有一个长大麻疯的,来求耶稣,向他跪下说,你若肯,必能叫我洁净了。And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.

古费拉克和另外几个人曾两次或三次走到他跟前,把当时的危险说给他听,请他避开,他却好象什么也没闻声。Courfeyrac and others had accosted him two or three times, warning him of his peril, beseeching him to withdraw, but he did not hear them.

他又沿户拜讬穷人家送孩子来上学,再拜讬有学问的人来教书。Furthermore, he went from one household to another beseeching poor families to send their kids to school, then beseeching the educated to teach.

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美国不应该对金正日发表一个严厉的胡萝卜加大棒的声明。The United States should not reward Kim with a plethora of statements beseeching the regime to cooperate and threatening dire consequences for its bad behavior.

还有人急匆匆地把几个硬币丢在他们乞求的手掌里,就快速地离开,生怕马上又看见20多个衣服褴褛的乞丐追上来。A few may hastily drop a few coins into a beseeching palm, then execute a quick getaway in hopes that another 20 ragged pursuers won't immediately appear on the scene.

就是在这个时候,他的岳母,瓦西里公爵的妻子派人来找他,央求他那怕费花几分钟见见她也好,她要商谈一件极为重要的事情。At the same time his mother-in-law, Prince Vassily's wife, sent to him, beseeching him to visit her, if only for a few minutes, to discuss a matter of great importance.

该按圣教会的礼规殡葬父母,为父母念经,献弥撒,求天主赏他们早升天堂。They should bury their parents according to the rites of the Catholic Church, and should pray and offer Masses for them, beseeching God to let them speedily enter Heaven.

还有一些人急匆匆地把几个硬币丢在他们乞求的手掌里,然后就快速地离开,生怕马上又看见20多个衣服褴褛的乞丐追上来。A few may hastily drop a few coins into a beseeching palm, and then execute a quick getaway in hopes that another 20 ragged pursuers won't immediately appear on the scene.

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“请,先生,”她笑了,像天使一样恳求,“那你那样做,整整一周——我们一直都在谈论和思考您,虽然我们不知道你的名字?”"Please, sir, " she smiled up at him like a beseeching angel, "what did you do that kept us all talking and speculating about you for a whole week, though we didn't know your name?

城里的居民,撕破了衣服,带著妻子儿上了城,大声呼喊,祈求息孟同他们讲和。And they that were in the city went up with their wives and children upon the wall, with their garments rent, and they cried with a loud voice, beseeching Simon to grant them peace.

有一只叫小白的山羊,用乞求哀怨的声音咩咩叫着,海蒂有好几次跑近抱着安慰它。Then there was little White Snowflake, who bleated in such a plaintive and beseeching manner that Heidi already had several times run to it and taken its head in her hands to comfort it.