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我已聼到了召唤。I have heard the summons.

传票被撤回。The summons was withdrawn.

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发传票,传…出庭向…发出传票或令状。To serve with a summons or writ.

你必须奉诏觐见国王。You must obey the king's summons.

你必须奉诏觐见国王。You must obey the king's summons.

法院向他送达了传票。The court served a summons on him.

传票已由法警送达。The summons was served by a bailiff.

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法师召唤一组仙狗。The caster summons a pack of Cu Sidhe.

施法者将召唤出一组犬魔。The caster summons a pack of Barghests.

这个法术召唤少量行刑吏。This spell summons a handful of Lictors.

做一个发信号或召唤的姿势。A bell that summons worshipers to vespers.

传票已送交给被告。The summons was served upon the defendant.

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梅森召唤尼娜和托尼来到杰克工作的办公室。Mason summons Nina and Tony to Jack's office.

这个法术召唤一个军团的行刑吏。This spell summons an entire legion of Lictors.

召命已来,我就准备启行了。A summons has come and I am ready for my journey.

她招来随从,嘱他将银玫瑰交给奥克塔维伯爵。She summons her page and sends Octavian the silver rose.

法师召唤一只双足飞龙,并使其为自己服务。The Caster summons a Wyvern and binds it to his service.

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召唤或解散你的亚榭洛死亡战骑。Summons and dismisses your rideable Acherus Deathcharger.

本票由被传唤人携带来院报到。The summoned should report to the court with his summons.

我们的刘师号召大家参加羽毛球比赛。Our Ms. Liu summons us to participate in the badminton game.