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我终于搞清楚我的高保真音响出了什么毛病。In the end I found out what was wrong with my hifi.

邻居乐颠颠地开着音响修篱笆。The next door neighbour enjoys repairing his fence with his HiFi.

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打开你的收音机或音响系统并调整到你觉得舒适的音量。Switch on the radio or hifi and turn it up to a comfortable volume.

爱HIFI成为全国最安全、最专业的发烧级音响销售机构。LOVE HIFI become the safest, most professional-level audio sales fever.

采用双音头拾音设计,具有高灵敏度、高保真。Double cartridges pickup sound design, realize high sensitivity and Hifi.

在36公斤,它的重量超过了剩余的电子产品和音响机架结合!At 36kg, it weighs more than the rest of my electronics and hifi rack combined!

一个很好的音响系统是好的,但小多媒体盒添加到很多自己的失真。A good HiFi System is ok, but small multimedia boxes add to much of their own distortion.

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我们的目标是,一步一个脚印,把每款产品都做成精品,让HIFI走进寻常百姓的生活中。Our goal is to move step by step, to each product made of fine, let HIFI into the lives of ordinary people.

大量的高端音响器材包括线材实际上都是从中国进口,并且价格翻几番。A lot of hifi equipment and cables are actually rebadged imported OEM'd electronics from China with huge price markups.

长度适合的弹性耳机线,超HIFI的立体声耳机,音量可达85分贝享受高质量音乐带来的乐趣。Adaptive flexible earphone wire, super HIFI stereo headphone, sound volume can reach 85 db, make you enjoy the fun of high quality music.

它与高保真的小波编码方法结合能获得一些高压缩比又高保真的数据压缩实例。Some examples of data compression of high compression ratio and hifi can be obtained by combined wavelet coding with the compression method.

我坐在音乐教室不肯离去,于是从杨老师那儿选了几张碟,然后我在低音炮的环境下继续享受着,其中就有冬的第一乐章。I stayed there instead of leaving, enjoying the music selected form Mr. Yang among the HIFI environment, including the 1st movement of L'Inverno.

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高保真专业级LOGIC7音响系统总共由13个扬声器组成,确保高质量地回放所有的音频格式,将环绕立体音效提高到了一个更高水平。Incorporating 13 loudspeakers, the HiFi Professional LOGIC7 System ensures supreme playback of all audio formats and takes the surround sound effect to an even higher level.

爱威影音智能作为国内首屈一指的集顶级影院、HIFI音乐、多房间音乐、智能控制一体化的工程设计公司,始终引领着该行业的发展。As the industry leader, AV Style & Smart is one of the best Engineering Design Companies in China, which intergrades top-class Cinema, HIFI Music, Multi-room music and intelligent control.