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但是他的亚轨道飞行仅仅持续了15分钟。But his suborbital hop lasted just 15 minutes.

自由7号宇宙飞船共进行了长达15分钟的轨道外飞行。The Freedom 7 capsule made a suborbital flight lasting 15 minutes.

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亚轨道运载工具受轨道定律所限,只能呆上几分钟。A suborbital vehicle is limited by the laws of ballistics and only lasts a few minutes.

XCOR是开发亚轨道飞行器、用于商业太空飞行的几家公司之一。XCOR is one of several companies developing suborbital vehicles for commercial space tourist flights.

目的观察阿霉素对兔眶下神经及三叉神经节的作用。Objective To observe the effect of adriamycin to suborbital nerve and trigeminal ganglion in the rabbits.

从2005年开始,希尔福斯开始跟XCOR公司进行合作,帮助后者开发了适用于亚轨道旅游的廉价方案。Searfoss has worked with XCOR since 2005, helping develop its budget-conscious design for suborbital travel.

哥本哈根次轨道组织创立者表示,他们建造航天飞船的动机部分是出于个人目的。The Copenhagen Suborbital founders have said that their motivation for building a spacecraft was partly personal.

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在未来几年,太空旅行公司希望能常规地将乘客送到太空亚轨道旅行。In the next few years, space tourism companies hope to start routinely flying passengers on suborbital space flights.

在次轨道发射的尽头,助推器将在第谷·布拉赫达到零重力状态之前被剥离。In the vent of a suborbital launch, the booster would be jettisoned before Tycho Brahe spacecraft reaches zero gravity.

最终,工程师们计划使用一套类似的助推器来将“第谷・布拉赫-1”密封舱送入亚轨道。Eventually, the engineers plan to use a similar booster to launch the Tycho Brahe-1 capsule into a suborbital trajectory.

还要能够为乘客创造出安全和愉快的亚轨道商业飞行体验。You’ll also have to be able to create a safe and enjoyable commercial suborbital space flight experience for your passengers.

但是这两个野心是紧密相连的,因为洲际弹道导弹达到的亚轨道太空是在去一个地球表面的遥远目标的途中。But the two ambitions are tightly intertwined since ICBMs reach suborbital space on their way to a distant target on Earth's surface.

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战神I-X火箭在本周早些时候已经被推出发射台,预定于10月27日进行亚轨道试飞。The Ares I-X rocket is poised to launch on a suborbital test flight on Oct. 27 and rolled out to its launching pad earlier this week.

阿兰·谢巴德,第一位美国宇航员,在近一个月之后才进入了太空,相比之下只进行了短暂的不满一整圈轨道的飞行。Alan Shepard, the first US astronaut, would not be launched until almost a month later and then on a comparatively short suborbital flight.

顺便说一句,借助所谓的亚轨道飞行,从100-160千米高空俯视地球或许只要投入20万美元即可。By the way, with the so-called suborbital flights, a chance to look at the Earth from 100-160 km height may cost just as little as 200 000 USD.

DC0052“星际”飞行艇可一次航行2000公里,使绝地通过亚轨道飞行就能快速抵达星球上的许多地点。The Intergalactic had a range of 2,000 kilometers, which gave the Jedi quick access to many points on the planet while still remaining suborbital.

这个高度相对于维珍银河及其它亚轨道空间旅游工具开发者所承诺的100千米高度而言差得一段距离。That altitude is a long ways from the height of more than 100 km promised by Virgin Galactic and others developing suborbital space tourism vehicles.

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美国航空航天局的宇航员艾伦·谢泼德驾驶他的自由7号水星级太空舱完成了15分钟的亚轨道飞行,成为美国首位进入太空的宇航员。On May 5, 1961, NASA astronaut Alan Shepard piloted his Freedom 7 Mercury capsule in a 15-minute suborbital flight, becoming America's first astronaut.

本文使用了昆明地区100例上颌骨标本观测了眶下孔、眶下管及其它相关的数据。In this article, 100 maxilla samples of the Kunming area werc takcn for observing the suborbital foramen and infraorbital canal and their relative data.

这次发射是NASA新型火箭的第一次亚轨道飞行测试,成熟后的战神I号将替代航天飞机,搭载猎户太空舱进行载人航天的任务。The rocket launch is NASA?s first suborbital test of the new Ares I booster to launch astronauts to space aboard its shuttle successor, the Orion craft.