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坐在椅子上,两手自然平放在大腿上。Sitting on chair, both hands flatting on thigh naturally.

她们掌握著乱针、平针、盘金等多种针法。They skillfully stitch at random , flatting or gold wire way.

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构成热管的外观改变的工序步骤主要为折弯制程、压合制程以及两者的组合。The research is to focus on the effect of heat pipe forming process including flatting , bending and both.

要领要坐在床上,把两腿转到床边使两腿平放在地板上,然后站起来。The main point is sitting on the bed, switching two legs to bedside and flatting on floor, then standing up.

最后还分析了多峰滤光片和增益平滑滤光片的容差特性。At the last of this section, the error tolerances of multi-peaks filter and EDFA gain flatting filter are also analyzed.

本公司现有各种大型平整﹑剪切﹑冲压和拉伸设备。Now the Factory possesses various large-scale flatting machine, cutting machine, punching machine and stretching machine.

激光扫平信号与闭环控制系统结合,可实现地面的水平平整。The laser flatting signal combined with a closed-loop control system can be used in automatic level flatting of the ground.

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在该地区的生态建设中,大力开展平田整地,能逐步改善土壤的理化性质,提高土壤肥力质量。In this local ecology construction, flatting field can improve the soil physical and chemical nature gradually and the soil fertility quality.

介绍氟碳涂料的消光机理、消光剂的选用以及影响消光作用的因素。This article introduces the flatting mechanism of fluorocarbon coatings, selection of flatting agent and influencing factors on flatting effect.

选用醇酸树脂、各色颜料以及各种添加剂制备自干无光桔纹漆。An air dry matt orange, peel finish has been developed based on alkyd resin, pigments and flatting agent, thixotropic agent, diluent, drier, etc.

本文分别从膜系设计、监控工艺以及滤光片制作与测试等方面阐述了掺铒光波导放大器增益平坦滤光片的研究和制作过程。In the paper, filter of EDWA for gain flatting is expounded from design of coating system, technics of monitor and the produce or testing of sample.

介绍了各色桔纹漆的配方、制备工艺、漆膜性能及应用效果。着重讨论了原材料对桔纹漆消光效果和触变性能的影响。The formulation, production process and film properties were given, emphatically discussed the effects of raw materials on the flatting effect and thixotropy.

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高凌化工是鸿盛公司的销售企业,致力于销售鸿盛系列消光粉、增稠剂、透明金属络合染料等产品,并代理YCK、BYK涂料助剂,科莱恩蜡粉等产品。It has been committed to sales of HS series flatting , thickening agents and transparent moralized dyes, and agent YCK, BYK coating additives, Clariant Wax etc.

铺装时注意找平结合层砂浆反浆,如有污染砖面应马上用水清洗干净。During the macadamize process, attention to the flatting combination layer reverse mortar, if there are some polluted tile, please use the water to clean at once.

所有伤亡都出现在俄亥俄州,飓风对湖城,公寓房造成了大面积的损毁,并把汽车和巴士卷上天空。All death swing to the state of Ohio, where tornado torn sway the destruction through lake township, flatting buildings and tossing cars and buses through the air.

信息化战场空间、扁平化和网络化的兵力组织形式是未来网络中心战中作战部队编成的主要样式。In the battlefields of the information age, the flatting and networking organizations are the primary mode of the military organizations for network centric warfare.

系列熨平机是洗涤机械中先进熨平设备。它广泛适用于熨平各种被单、被面、床单、台布、浴巾、毛巾、毛毯等织物。Series of flatter is an advanced flatting equipments in washing machinery which is widely used in ironing all kinds of bedsheet, quilt sheet, table sheet, towel, blanket, etc.

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研制了高透明度木器亚光清漆,并从树脂、消光粉、蜡粉、助剂、固化剂、溶剂等方面探讨影响漆膜透明度的各种因素。High transparent wood semi—gloss varnish was prepared. The influences of resins, flatting material, hardener, additive and solvent on the transparency of coatings were discussed.

YPD系列熨平机是洗涤机械中先进熨平设备。它广泛适用于熨平各种被单、被面、床单、台布、浴巾、毛巾、毛毯等织物。YPD Series of flatter is an advance flatting equipments in washing machinery which is widely used in ironing all kinds of bedsheet, quilt sheet, table sheet, towel, blanket, etc.

在这些激励措施中还体现了分权管理、组织扁平化、管理职能创新等很多激励员工的有益尝试。Among these stimulation measures, many beneficial trials have been made like divided power management, flatting management of organization, creation of management functions and so forth.