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运用光标暗示来表达受范性。Use cursor hinting to indicate pliancy.

可移动的分割线应该借助光标暗示显示其受范性。Movable splitters should always advertise their pliancy with cursor hinting.

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这种行为称为“受范性”,我们将在本章后面进一步讨论。This property is called pliancy and is discussed in detail later in this chapter.

静态视觉暗示是通过对象被静态绘制在屏幕上的方式来提供的。Static object hinting is when the pliancy of an object is communicated by the static rendering of the object itself.

相对柔韧性测量方法的简化是体育测量与评价的重要问题。The simplification of the measuring method of relative pliancy is an important problem in sports measuring and evaluation.

本文从机械装置和液压伺服原理两方面讨论了柔顺功能的实现。The paper discusses the realization of Pliancy function from two respects of mechanical apparatus and hydraulic servo fundamentals.

用CY250B做松紧式卷绕时,设计了巧妙的超喂系统,保证了纱线的柔软和密度。The skillful design in pre-take-up roller ensures the pliancy and density of yarns when the CY250B is winding by the degree of tightness.

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采用三种法国经典葡萄品种歌海娜、佳利酿和美乐精心酿制而成,呈深红宝石色,芬芳的桃李水果气息,口感柔顺而丰满。Made from three classic French grape varieties Grenache, Carignan and Merlot. Dark ruby color, fragrant peach fruit flavor, mouthfeel and fullness pliancy.

通过观察和测量,分析当今大学生武术柔韧素质方面存在的问题,及形成的原因。The universal problems in the martial arts pliancy diathesis of college students are discussed, and the reasons are analyzed via observation and measurement.

聚集自然的能量,达到柔顺如婴儿一样的初始状态,能做到吗?To give undivided attention to collect the natural breath and energy, and bring it to the utmost degree of pliancy just like the initial condition of a firstborn.

本文介绍了具有柔顺功能的DSRV对地接机械手、在机械手对接作业中,柔顺功能可以保护机械手,缓冲惯性力,完成对接目标。DSRV interfacing manipulators having pliancy function are introduced. The pliancy function can protect manipulators and cushion inertia force while they do inter facing operation.

没有光标暗示,拖动受范性可能是一种难以发现的习惯用法。所以你可以考虑在界面中建立其他一些指示,也许是文本暗示,或者工具提示那样的弹出菜单。Without cursor hinting, drag pliancy can be a hard-to-discover idiom, so you might consider building some other indication into the interface, maybe a textual hint or a ToolTip-style pop-up.