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并且磷发光了。And the phosphorus glow.

煤气灯投下一片片幽暗的光。Gaslights cast a shadowy glow.

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将可沐浴在永世的荣光In the light of eternity's glow

油灯发出柔和的光辉。The oil-lamp gives a soft glow.

绿色的玻璃球发绿光。Green glass globes glow greenly.

一道惨白的蓝光就照亮了小路。A pale blue glow filled the lane.

我绝望了,紫霞离开了我。I am acedia, violet glow left me.

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晚霞染红了天空。The sunset glow tinted the sky red.

土萤虫在泥土中摸索着The glow worm while exploring the dust

他的脸容光焕发。There is a glow of health in his face.

晚霞恰如一幅图画。The sunset glow is just like a picture.

Ellen耳垂上的钻石耳钉闪闪发光。Ellen’s ears glow with diamond earrings.

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吉姆那边的指示灯逐渐减弱成暗绿色的光亮。Jim's light dimmed to a dull green glow.

浅蜜桃色带有柔嫩的光泽。Light dusty-peach shade with a soft glow.

我喜欢叶边的鲜艳色彩。I like the way the edges of the leaf glow.

我总能靠着哈瓦那的灯火回港的。I can always come in on the glow from Havana.

莫拉菲台风来临前的晚霞。The sunset glow before typhoon Molave coming.

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向地球飞奔而来的一颗流星。The sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow.

燃着的火,以它熊熊的光焰警告我不能走近它。The flaming fire warns me off by its have glow.

小的铜粉衬托橄榄色皮肤。The tiny flecks of copper make olive skin glow.