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他挂断了我的电话。She hung up on me.

他把我的外套挂起来。He hung up my coat.

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他们把舆图挂起来。They hung the map up.

这样我就挂了电话。So I hung up the phone.

他用绳子上吊。He hung hilf with a rope.

网球的网松悬着。The tennis net hung slack.

她把窗帘挂在衣竿上。She hung curtains on a rod.

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她羞愧得低下头来。She hung her head in shame.

一轮圆月悬在空中。A full moon hung in the sky.

它正好悬挂在山崖上方。It just hung over the cliff.

鲨鱼还是吊在那里。The shark still hung the re.

蜘蛛悬在一根丝上。The spider hung by a thread.

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他在回答前犹豫了一阵子。He hung back before replying.

他说完暗语就挂上了电话。He said the code and hung up.

那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。The lamp hung over the table.

下一站是红磡。The next station is Hung Hom.

当我回家以后,我们开始约会。When I got home, we hung out.

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皎月当空。A bright moon hung in the sky.

你知道洪金宝是谁吗?。Do you know who Sammo Hung is?

他的卧室里挂着一些大画片。His room is hung with posters.