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然后他们去了水上飞机。Then they got into the seaplane.

他看著水上飞机在海面上降落。He watched the seaplane landing on water.

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水上飞机的引擎开始转动。The engine of the seaplane began to turn.

我们能用我们的水上飞机做这件事。Mornant. "We can do that with our seaplane."

是黄白色的塞斯纳206水上飞机吗?Was that a yellow and white Cessna 206 seaplane?

什么东西从水上飞机掉到游艇上。Something fell from the seaplane on to the yacht.

水上飞机像一只受伤的小鸟一样坠落。The seaplane was falling like a bird which has been shot.

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当我在水上飞机的时候,我必须把我的朋友交给你。I must leave my dear friends with you while I am in the seaplane.

莫丽塞特看着水上飞机曾经待的地方。Mauricetter was looking at the place where the seaplane had been.

“水上飞机”一词,包括为能在水面操纵而设计的任何航空器。The word "seaplane" includes any aircraft designed to manoeuvre on the water.

一种以船身而不以浮筒滑行的巨大的水上飞机。Flying boat n. A large seaplane that floats on its hull rather than on pontoons.

水上飞机主要负责机场到较远岛屿的接送。Seaplane mainly responsible for the airport to distant island transportation service.

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介绍水上飞机玻璃钢浮筒制备及工艺。The preparation and manufacture process of FRP float bowl of seaplane are introduced.

在水面的水上飞机,通常应宽裕的让清所有船舶并避免妨碍其航行。A seaplane on the water shall, in general, keep well clear of all vessels and avoid impeding their navigation.

三小时后,威廉夫妇将乘坐岛上的摩托艇及水上飞机返回耶洛奈夫。After three hours, the couple were collected from the island by a motorboat and flown by seaplane back to Yellowknife.

安全运输委员会说,在迈阿密坠毁的水上飞机的机翼在主要支撑梁处有断裂,这种情况已经很久都没有发生过了。The NTSB says the wing of that seaplane that crashed off Miami had cracks in the main support beam that probably went unseen for a long time.

同时四架操作中的SH-5在PLA海军北海舰队位于山东省青岛附近专用水上基地中操作。Meanwhile the four operational SH-5s are operated by the PLA Navy North Sea Fleet in a dedicated seaplane base near Qingdao, Shandong Province.

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它就是PBY卡特琳娜在中途岛海战胜利中发挥关键作用报告了南云舰队的位置。It was a PBY Catalina seaplane that reported the location of Admiral Nagumo's fleet setting the stage for the American victory at the Battle of Midway.

这次旅行-我们选择了阿联酋航空,飞行很棒。因此很关注好食物和饮品,值得推荐!从马累水上飞行大概一个小时。The journey- We used Emirates, the flights were excellent. So much attention with good food and drink. To be recommended! The seaplane link from Male was with an hour.

有比所提供的,温泉疗养通常的饮料更其他菜单,在3小时以上游艇使用,额外的水上飞机时间表和机动水上运动。There are other menus for more than the usual drinks offered, spa treatments, the excess of 3 hours yacht use, additional seaplane schedules and motorized water sports.