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这就是客体永存性That's object permanence.

成年人是拥有客体永存性概念的So, adults have object permanence.

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该体系的永恒性不受任何事物的影响。Nothing threatens the permanence of the system.

年龄很高,象徵长生,长久。Of great age. Symbolizes longevity, permanence.

最后举一个关于客体永存性研究的例子One final example of an object permanence study.

谁固执的相信了天长地久。谁拥抱了地老天荒。Who is stubborn belief in permanence. Who embraced R & B.

我将披起婚嫁的丝带,作为铭刻永恒的标志。These I will wear as a wedding band, a symbol of permanence.

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这是否意味着物体恒常性是我们大脑里一道预置的程序?Does this mean that object permanence is prewired in the brain?

甚至美国在伊拉克的成功的持久性也远未得到保证。Even the permanence of America’s success in Iraq is far from guaranteed.

这里是永久公告板,会员、版主们只可回覆文章。Here Is Permanence Announce Board, Member, Webmasters Answer Article Only.

公司所有权和管理职能的分离为公司提供了持久发展的基础。This separation of ownership and managementgives corporations permanence.2

在这里那永久和连绵不绝的感觉环绕着你、包裹着你。The feelings of permanence and everlasting just enfold and embrace you here.

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是则名为第二外道,立圆常论。This is the second external teaching, which postulates pervasive permanence.

客体永存性是指,知道某人或某物虽然现在看不见,但仍然是存在的Object permanence is the understanding that things exist when you no longer see them.

这种永久性将一直保持到该字体被删除或者打印机关闭电源。Permanence will last until the font is either deleted or the printer is powered down.

在这一阶段,儿童逐渐发展起,客体永存性的概念And it's through this stage that a child gradually comes to acquire object permanence.

品牌就是力量,清大华普的实力、诚信、持久都在强势彰显。The strength, credit and permanence of Qingda Auple are becoming more and more obvious.

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品牌就是力量,清大华普的实力、诚信、持久都在强势彰显。The strength, credit and permanence of Qingda Huapu are becoming more and more obvious.

沿着草地的道路仿古砖添加您的预算没有吹一点持久。Rustic pavers along a grassy path add a bit more permanence without blowing your budget.

索引中不会列出静止、或固定、或稳定、或任何表示持久的行话。The index will not list stasis, or fixity, or stability, or any of the jargon of permanence.