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该结果提示,家兔体内内源性神经降压素可能参与压力感受性反射的调节过程。This indicates that endogenous NT may be involved in the regulative mechanism of baroreceptor reflex in rabbits.

动脉压力感受性和心房容量感受性刺激可会聚于同一下丘脑神经元。The inputs from the atrial volume receptor and carotid baroreceptor converge on the same neuron of the hypothalamus.

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心跳间歇期的血压调节提供了一个自发反射,称为压力感受性反射。Beat-to-beat short term regulation of blood pressure is provided by a spontaneous reflex called the baroreceptor reflex.

压力感受器反射功能下降是引起飞行后航天员立位耐力下降的重要起因之一。The declination of baroreceptor reflex function is one of the important factor causing orthostatic intolerance after space flight.

本工作用血压-肾交感放电反应曲线为指标,在家兔中观察了刺激躯体神经对压力感受性反射的影响。The effect of somatic nerve stimulation on baroreceptor reflex was investigated in 24 immobilized and artificially ventilated rabbits.

许多数据表明长期失重以后立位耐力降低可能与压力感受性反射功能的改变有关。Current data showed that lowering of orthostatic tolerance after prolonged weightlessness is most likely due to change of baroreceptor reflex function.

首先,研究人员指出患有慢性高血压的老鼠所表现的压力感受反射敏感性和ACE2活动的显著降低。First, the researchers demonstrated that chronically hypertensive mice showed dramatically decreased baroreceptor reflex sensitivity and ACE2 activity.

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我们现在有足够的证据证明大脑中ACE2在压力感受反射功能中起着重要作用,结果它能预防高血压的发生,夏博士说。"We now have evidence that brain ACE2 plays a critical role in baroreceptor reflex function and , consequently, in the prevention of hypertension," says Dr. Xia.

肺血管是压力反射效应器的一部分,立位应激时的压力反射很大程度上控制着肺循环的阻力和容量。Pulmonary vascular is an effector of baroreceptor reflex, which can exert significant control of pulmonary resistance and capacitance after orthostatic challenge.

我们现在有足够的证据证明大脑中ACE2在压力感受反射功能中起着重要作用,结果它能预防高血压的发生,夏博士说。"We now have evidence that brain ACE2 plays a critical role in baroreceptor reflex function and , consequently, in the prevention of hypertension, " says Dr. Xia.

而压力感受性反射功能的改变,特别是中枢神经系统调节功能的紊乱,是卧床后立位耐力降低的主要原因。The changes of baroreceptor reflex, especially the disturbance of CNS regulation function are the main factors causing the decrease of orthostatic tolerance after bed rest.

结论表明血管迷走性晕厥患者压力反射功能减退,可能与自主神经受损,压力反射器敏感性下降有关。Conclusion This data shows that there is impaired baroreflex function in patients with vasovagal syncope, and this may be associated with reduced baroreceptor sensitivity and autonomic dysfunction.