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唉,为什么,既怵于时光的专横。Alas why fearing of time's tyranny.

中国是超级资本主义暴政。China is a ultra-capitalist tyranny.

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所有事情都使专制君主生气。Everything gives umbrage to a tyranny.

阿斯莫德邪恶力量,支配,暴政。Asmodeus Evil Power, domination, tyranny.

暴政所需的工具,最粗劣鄙陋。The vulgarest tool that Tyranny could want.

是秘方配制的专治青春痘痤疮的。Tyranny is the secret acne acne preparation.

汤姆斯就是自由,奥利弗就是压迫?With Thomas and freedom, Oliver and tyranny?

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姿情声色的确是一种暴行。Boundless intemperance in nature is a tyranny.

我想帮你的忙,但是这牵涉到一桩伤天害理的事。I want to help, but there is a tyranny involved.

德黑兰的那个暴政残忍地对待它自己的人民。The tyranny in Tehran brutalises its own people.

加入我们对抗的康奈斯暴政。Join us to fight against the tyranny of the Connies.

现在我们宣布要挣脱“守门人”的专制。We are now declared free from the tyranny of The Gatekeeper.

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暴政总是有可能进门的--没有什么咒语或门闩能防得住它。Tyranny may always enter—there is no charm or bar against it.

犯罪行为的另一个同类的原因是家庭内的专制主义。Another cognate cause of crime of violence was the family tyranny.

导致凶暴的犯罪行为的另一个同类的原因是家庭内的专制主义。Another cognate cause of crime of violence was the family tyranny.

卡扎菲上校的暴政是绝对的,君主式的,侵害到每个人。Colonel Qaddafi's tyranny was absolutist, monarchical and personal.

你们记住,老虎吃人,可是苛政比老虎还要凶猛啊!Remember, tigers devour people, but tyranny is fiercer than tigers!

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腐败和暴政的耻辱枷锁已被打开。The humiliating grip of corruption and tyranny is being pried open.

他对一种权利压倒多数主义专制的形成做过预言。He predicted the formation of a rights-crushing majoritarian tyranny.

但是我也认为,暴政需要帮凶才能成事。I do think, however, that tyranny requires an environment of collusion.