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那男孩许诺不泄露隐藏地的所在。The boy promised not to divulge the whereabouts of the hiding place.

他命令北美防空司令部﹐不要泄露外来飞行器的消息。He orders NORAD not to divulge information about foreign space vehicles.

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我觉得我是世界上排队最没耐心的了,于是想让他泄露下“快乐排队”的秘诀。As the world's most impatient queuer, I ask him to divulge the secrets to happy waiting.

警方并未公布遗书内容及施诺尔自杀原因。Police did not divulge the note's contents, and gave no reason why Schnor took his own life.

她还说,一个正在气头上的员工会发表一些危害公司的言论,或者泄露公司的一些机密。An angry employee could make libelous statements or divulge confidential company information.

尽管没有透露出具体的操作,卡尔承认将会“处理好”针对基思的证据。Although he won’t divulge his actions Carl admits to “taking care” of the evidence against Keith.

李静拒绝透露沃尔玛这个世界零售巨头所投资的数额。Ms. Li declined to divulge the value of the investment by Wal-Mart, the world's leading retailer.

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我们渴望打听到别人赚多少钱,本身却没泄露的打算。As eager as we are to find out what other people make, we're not as ready to divulge our earnings.

近日,搜狐等网站设立了一些所谓的“晒工资”专区。Recently, websites such as, set up special sections for people to "divulge their salaries".

同时因为搜索引擎的发达,很容易在网上泄露私人信息。At the same time due to the well-developed search engines, it is easy to divulge private information.

但后来有一些苦乐参半的时刻,也许我不想就在现在这个时候透露。But then there were some bittersweet moments that perhaps I don’t wish to divulge right at this time.

近日,搜狐等网站设立了一些所谓的“晒工资”专区。Recently, websites such as, set up special sections for people to " divulge their salaries ".

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女士们继续朱迪思里根的天狼星XM的节目泄露债券发行计划,他们多年来一直有塔克斯。The ladies went on Judith Regan's SIRIUS XM show to divulge the nips and tucks they've had over the years.

金顺警告明章停止为难正鸿与佳慧,不然将透露明章的身世。Jinshun warns Mingzhang not to break Zhenghong and Jiahui up or he would divulge Mingzhang's true identity.

戴维斯说那个犯了错误的人——他没有透露此人姓名——已经因此被“惩戒”过了。Davis said that the individual who made the mistake—he didn’t divulge the name—had been “disciplined” for it.

金顺要明章拒绝接管新富不然将透露明章的身事。Jinshun threatens to divulge Mingzhang's identity if Mingzhang refuses to abort his plan to take over Xin Fu.

在记者询问时,三家清算所没有一家愿意透露他们风险管理委员会的成员。None of the three clearinghouses would divulge the members of their risk committees when asked by a reporter.

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虽然威尔逊不会透露销售数字,他说公司在不断发展壮大,并且每年都超出他们的期望。Although Wilson won't divulge sales figures, he says the company grows and exceeds their expectations each year.

文章透过“猫文化”这一独特的视角,去展现日本文化中极有魅力的一面。This article is intended to divulge one of the most interesting aspects of the Japanese culture-the cat complex.

某些系统的安全策略可能不允许向其他用户泄露密码。Having stated the previous, it may not be the security policy of some systems to divulge passwords to other users.