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根据牛顿定律We go to Newton.

即便是牛顿也掉进过这个圈套。Even Newton fell into this trap.

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牛顿是一个智力巨人。Newton was an intellectual giant.

这个职位曾经由牛顿担任。The position was once held by Newton.

我要你告诉我,牛顿说得对吗I want you to tell me, is Newton right?

显然,牛顿不知道这个That was obviously not known to Newton.

牛顿被苹果砸了一下,从此有了牛顿定律。Newton apple was hit from a Newton's laws.

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牛顿告诉我们,力能产生加速度Newton tells you forces cause acceleration.

牛顿就曾与莱布尼兹成为冤家。Isaac Newton had a bitter feud with Leibniz.

艾萨克·牛顿出生那年,伽利略与世长辞。Isaac Newton was born the year Galileo died.

你看今晚奥莉薇亚纽顿约翰。The Way You Look Tonight Olivia Newton John.

许多科学家想成为又一个牛顿。Mamy a scientist wants to be a Second Newton.

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从牛顿到霍金,科学家们都爱打赌。From Newton to Hawking, scientists love wagers.

许多科学家想成为第二个牛顿。Mamy a scientist wants to be the Second Newton.

牛顿是航行在生命之海的巨轮。Newton was the ship in the great ocean of life.

他不反对科学假设。Newton did not object to scientific postulation.

1661年,牛顿进入著名的剑桥“三一学院”。Newton entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661.

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牛顿对这当中的任何一个职位都是很有资格的。Newton was well qualified for any of these offices.

艾萨克?牛顿于1642年圣诞节出生的时候。When Isaac Newton was born on Christmas day in 1642

在书中,牛顿提出三个运动定律。Newton put forward three laws of motion in the book.