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紫金矿业的道歉声明很不寻常。Zijin's apologetic statements were unusual.

我们将一路环岛而行。He smiled in an awkward almost apologetic way.

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而且我不会为此而感到愧悔。And I would rather not feel apologetic about it.

对于还不知道答案表现出过分的歉意。Being too apologetic about not knowing the answer already.

当你向他们质疑的时候,他们只能道歉,却无能为力。When you do reach them, they're apologetic but can do nothing to help.

历史上不少异端,起源都是因为某种护教的动机。It is remarkable how many heresies are traceable to apologetic motives.

我认为这是对基督教媲美任何歉疚出对市场造成的影响。I think it is about as good as any Christian apologetic work out on the market.

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伽达默尔对它略有歉意,并且他借助了一下语源学。Gadamer is a bit apologetic about it, and he goes into the appropriate etymologies.

我可能要挨揍,你们真的想错过这好戏?软薄荷糖相当适用于道歉。I might get punched. You really want to miss that?Junior mints are pretty apologetic.

贺治,华尔费德是19世纪,美国教会面对新派神学的护教领袖。Hodge and Warfield were the leaders in apologetic vs. liberal theology, in 19th century.

他的脸上经常带着温和的、宽厚的、类乎歉意的表情。His face habitually held an expression which was mild and inoffensive , almost apologetic.

历史决定论者强调,在这些错误的理论反面通常有一种辩解的意图。Historicists often emphasize that behind such mistaken theories there is usually an apologetic purpose.

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基督的复活的价值,一般被视为在护教上,作为信仰的证据或支持。The resurrection has been looked at for its apologetic or evidential value – to support the Christian faith.

很抱歉,我得好好考虑考虑。您可能有所警觉,当前国际货币市场不太稳定。I'm apologetic. I have to think it over. As you are belike conscious, the worldwide money market is not so stable now.

一生气我打了她的屁股,本就瘦弱的她也没吃好饭,抽噎着上学去了,现在想想多少有些歉疚。One angry I hit her ass, this thin, she has not eaten on a good meal, sob a school, and now think somewhat apologetic.

这些,加上道歉,就像伍兹现在正在做的“重新得到你在乎的人的信任”。This, plus the right apologetic noises, as Mr Woods is now making, “reassures people you really care”, says Mr Milligan.

第二点需要指出的是,当一些缺乏自信的用户在测试中范一些小“错误”时,会觉得非常抱歉。The next point we noted was that some of the less confident people being tested seemed very apologetic when making “mistakes.”

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当范泰尔把这些教义应用在知识论和护教学的时候,新的重点和洞见浮现了。As Van Til relates these doctrines to his own epistemological and apologetic concerns, however, new emphases and insights emerge.

钱来的愈发少了,甚至以前每个月都来一封信的老朋友现在也难得来一回了,歉意的短信,一小笔钱。The money comes less often, and even old friends who used to write monthly now send only rare, apologetic notes, a few small bills.

荷兰某位小偷在一家教堂行窃,当他意识到该教堂是专门帮助穷人和老人时,留下了这么一封检讨信,并承诺将来会捐款。Dutch thief left an apologetic letter and promised a donation after he realized he was burgling a charity that helps the poor and elderly.