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英语是通向丰富知识的桥梁。English is abridge to so much knowledge.

这样就能缩短旅游的时间,而又获益更多。Thus he may abridge his travel with much profit.

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时间有限,他缩短了他的作文。The time is limited, so he abridge his composition.

编辑有权删节读者来信。The Editor reserves the right to abridge readers' letters.

有些问题,是不能以“省略”或“用语求简”来掩饰的。Some problems can't be covered up with " abridge " or "simplification".

这是去往上述海滩的桥,你感触感染到大自然的瑰丽了吗?。This is abridge towards to above beach, do you feel nature magnificent?

他接到家信后决定缩短在这里的逗留时间。He decides to abridge his stay here after he received a letter from home.

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当地人传统上不会把它缩写为“罗。村”或简写为“罗伊斯顿”。Traditionally, locals do not abbreviate it to "R. V. " or abridge it to "Royston".

图书出版者经版权拥有者许可,可以对作品修改或删节。Book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner.

那所大学宣布把18周的夏季学期缩短到12周。That university announced it would abridge its 18 weeks summer semester into 12 weeks.

图书出版者经作者许可,可以对作品修改、删节。A Book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner.

考虑到她想要马上找工作,他决定缩短在校园里逗留的时间。She decided to abridge her stay in campus since she wants to hunt for a job immediately.

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在PDP驱动芯片设计的过程中,电路仿真技术可以起到降低成本,缩短开发周期的重要作用。The circuit simulations could reduce the cost and abridge exploitation cycle in design of PDP driver IC.

但是,这位牧师不会缩短他的布道,它是用来号召他的有节制的教区居民放弃人类的枷锁的啊。But this man of the cloth would not abridge sermons calling on his abstemious parishioners to also abrogate human bondage.

医院在医患沟通中应起“桥梁”作用,建立并落实医患沟通机制。Hospital should play abridge role between medical staff and patient and make mechanism of communication between medical staff and patients.

他们在加利利海以南近四十英里,1967年6月“六日战争”期间被炸毁的一座大桥危险的废墟下面。They are nearly40 miles south of the Sea of Galilee, under the precarious ruins of abridge that was bombed during the Six Day War of June 1967.

民主制度下的公民必须相信政府不会限制他们的权利,人口中的少数群体必须相信多数群体不会伤害或迫害他们。Citizens in a democracy must trust the government not to abridge their rights, and minorities must trust the majority not to harm or persecute them.

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报社、期刊社可以对作品作文字性修改、删节。对内容的修改,应当经作者许可。Newspaper or magazine publishers may modify or abridge the words of works. The modification to the contents shall be in possession of the license of authors.

自由涉及政府行为,或更准确地说,涉及政府不应向公民实施的行为,即政府不可限制个人自由。Liberty involves what governments do or, more accurately, what they are forbidden to do to their citizens -- they are forbidden to abridge individual freedoms.

目前的一代人有权在地球上过路,不能强迫他们为了后代而缩短自己的路程,后代和他们是平等的,将来才轮到后代过路。The generation which is passing in its turn over the earth, is not forced to abridge it for the sake of the generations, its equal, after all, who will have their turn later on.