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正是由于对父亲愿望的默许。她辱没了自己。Acquiescence in her father's wishes had been degradation to herself.

所谓的“通融”就是用金钱换取房产商的默许。The so-called "accommodation" is the money for the director acquiescence.

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他们还对犯人多给自己盛饭采取了默许的态度。They also hold rice prisoners taken more than acquiescence to their own attitude.

康德写道,仅仅停留在怀疑或自满。To allow ourselves simply to acquiescence in skepticism or in complacence, Kant wrote.

一位朋友告诉我,不冷不热干爽的季节最让人喜爱,我点头默许。A friend told me that neither cold nor hot dry season most people love, I nodded acquiescence.

我的建议如果你喜欢将自己投身于一列火车前面的那种冲动话,那么就采用默许法。I suggest acquiescence if you enjoy grappling with the urge to hurl yourself in front of a train.

不过更常见的情形是,官方有赖于那些追求广泛观众群的导演自发的默从。But more often, officials rely on the acquiescence of directors who seek to reach a broad audience.

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副总统拜登对这一政策的默许应该会让每个美国人的良心为之一颤。‘Vice President Biden’s acquiescence to such a policy should shock the conscience of every American.

片段中华碧默许雷蕾与心平来往,并悉心为她预备了结婚戒指。Pieces of Chinese garden acquiescence LeiLei with heart flat, and carefully prepared for her wedding ring.

松山大学校长撮合孙女佳佳和志涛在一起,志涛表示默许。Matsuyama university president brokered granddaughter Allison and Zhitao together, Zhi Tao said acquiescence.

不知她是默认了丈夫夜夜笙歌的事实,还是懒得再理会传媒的无聊。I wonder if her husband is the acquiescence of the night simply facts, or simply to ignore the media frivolous.

如果默许了北朝鲜的核计划,就需要重新考虑美国的战略规划。De facto acquiescence in a North Korean nuclear program would require a reconsideration of U.S. strategic planning.

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然而,有人认为这是天真的表现,或是对这些国家压制本国人民的做法表示默许。Yet some suggest that this is a sign of naiveté or acquiescence to these countries’ repression of their own people.

而由于中国的指导方针是绝不使自己在安理会被孤立,所以莫斯科默许同意的话,中国也会紧随其后。Moscow's acquiescence would also bring on board China, whose guiding principle is never to be isolated in the council.

我的经验告诉我,他们不仅吃了很多带食物添加剂和糖的东西,而且玩得也精疲力尽了。My acquiescence to everything has meant that they are not only buzzing with e-numbers and sugar, but are exhausted, too

有些进行初选的招聘人员会把所有的申请都一一过目,而有些则会在申请中找某些关键词。The small screeners eyeball any acquiescence which comes in, whilst others poke for certain keywords between applications.

伊朗人真的相信他们抓住我们在伊拉克的人质——我们的供应线,我们默许什叶派占据。The Iranians truly believe they have us hostage in Iraq —our supply lines, the acquiescence of the Shi'a in the occupation.

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拉姆对决定的默认意味着勒夫已成功地避免了刚刚开始的权利之争。Lahm's acquiescence to the decision means that Löw has successfully avoided what had begun to look like a bitter power struggle.

记者这才知道,每位排队者手里都有一个自制的顺序号,而且这个号码也都得到排队者的默认。This reporter knows, every line of the sequence of hands is a self-made, but the numbers have been queuing persons acquiescence.

这是对男人优越感的奴性的默认,这种默认维持着婚姻制度看起来原封未动好长时间。It is this slavish acquiescence to man's superiority that has kept the marriage institution seemingly intact for so long a period.