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新教徒之间的裙带关系是与生俱来的。The Protestant Establishment was inbred.

祝贺表态网的成立!Congratulations to establishment of ctime!

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弱弹力,古法编制。Weak tension, ancient method establishment.

黑木相思愈伤组织体系的建立。The establishment of blackwood calli system.

组建分段项目经理部。Establishment of divisional Project Manager Dept.

图的建立与遍历算法。Map and the establishment of traversal algorithm.

这使我对英国的当权派有进一步的了解。It taught me more about the British Establishment.

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他们相信了当局的宣传。They believed the propaganda of the establishment.

确立和解终结诉讼原则。Establishment of reconciliation cesser secta axiom.

拳击圈里的人把我当成麻烦。The boxing establishment treats me like a nuisance.

文中用到的是“建立”and this is the word that was used--"establishment."

创办这个公司花了好几年时间。The establishment of the business took several years.

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抵制外人增辟租界。It also boycotted the establishment of new concessions.

本文对前期创造社期刊的栏目设置进行了分析。This thesis pays attention to the Column establishment.

今天,我们终于国富民强,再也没有人敢欺负我们了。Today we finally establishment no one dare to bully us.

算了,这些防卫机构都是一些大笨蛋。Nah, the defense establishment are all just big stupids.

常设机构”一语特别包括。The term 'permanent establishment" includes especially".

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因为他是这个学校的司库和管事。Because he is treasurer and manager of the establishment.

他与媒体,既有体制以及全球主义者对抗。He has fought the media the establishment and globalists.

IPE目前仍处于理论构建阶段。IPE is still in the process of theoretical establishment.