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马达换相开关“,”Motor Pole Change Switch.

旗竿笔直地竖着。Put the pole up straight.

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格瑞兹伍德看到一根灯杆。Grizzwold saw a light pole.

杆上男人向李滚滚讨饶了。The man on the pole yields.

肖说,“于是,我开始尝试跳钢管舞。So I tried out pole dancing.

把它放回到木杆旁边。Bring it back around the pole.

安全起见,我把杆固定住了。For security, I guyed the pole.

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很高兴能获得这个杆位。I am very happy with this pole.

绝不要站在船头撑船。Never pole a boat from the bow.

她砰地一声撞在电线杆上。She banged up against the pole.

小格里夫伸给他一根杆子。Young Griff extended him a pole.

这杆子我竖不起来。I can't get the pole to stand up.

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豆类植物沿杆生长。The bean plants grew up the pole.

农民把草挑进谷仓。The farmers pole hay into a barn.

我的鱼杆掉到湖里了。My fishing pole falls in the lake.

当然了。她是撑杆跳的女皇了。She is the queen of the pole vault.

乘着夜幕将灯杆笼罩。When the night had veil'd the pole.

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非洲——潜在的增长极Africa as a Potential Pole of Growth

寻梦?撑一支长篙。Who seeks dreams?Poling a ling pole.

此刻,我后悔极了。At the moment, I have penitence pole.