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格洛斯特郡的一个村庄,离布里斯托尔大约北25英里。Gloucestershire village located approximately 25 miles north of Bristol.

一位格洛斯特郡农民耕种着2500英亩但没有一丁点是属于他的农田。One Gloucestershire farmer farms 2,500 acres but does not own any of it.

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格洛斯特郡的一个村庄,离布里斯托尔大约北25英里。A Gloucestershire village located approximately 25 miles north of Bristol.

罗琳出生在格洛斯特郡,并在那里上学。K. Rowling was born in Gloucestershire and she went to school in the county.

带有斑点的格洛斯特郡猪也叫做果园猪,它已经有200年的历史。The Gloucestershire Old Spot or Orchard Pig has been around for about 200 years.

来自英国格洛斯特郡的士兵在战斗间隙中喝下午茶。Soldiers of the English Gloucestershire Regiment battalion stop for afternoon tea.

作为一位国际象棋爱好者,卡米拉还请格洛斯特郡的工匠做了一副国际象棋给查尔斯。A keen chess player, the Duchess has also commissioned a Gloucestershire craftsman to carve a wooden chess set for Charles.

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格洛斯特郡图克斯伯里学校的女学生被迫穿裤子作为消除邋遢服装的一项措施。Girls at Tewkesbury School in Gloucestershire could be forced to wear trousers as part of a move to stamp out sloppy dress.

作为试验项目的一部分,吉百利给威尔特郡和格洛斯特郡的农民提出了农场管理操作建议。As part of a pilot programme, Cadbury has advised farmers in Wiltshire and Gloucestershire on a range of farm management practices.

警方还连同格洛斯特警方一起,搜查了这对夫妇的另一产业。Police also raided a property belonging to the couple in Dursley, Gloucestershire, accompanied by colleagues from Gloucestershire police.

格洛斯特郡的风景名胜区的流浪者提醒喜欢动物的人们要小心一点,因为野猪是有攻击性的,会对人们造成很大的伤害。Rangers at the Gloucestershire beauty spot warn that animal lovers should beware because boar can be aggressive and cause serious injury.

就在那时候,一只近旁的乌鸫,唱起来,围绕着他,越发朦胧的,越来越遥远的,越来越遥远的,所有的鸟儿。And for that minute a blackbird sang Close by, and round him, mistier, Farther and farther, all the birds Of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.

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那时罗琳还是个小女孩,住在格洛斯特郡南部的温特本。Rowling took the name Potter from a family who lived four doors down from her when she was a young girl in Winterbourne, south Gloucestershire.

从格洛斯特郡的滚奶酪到斯堪的纳维亚半岛倒背妻子…大千世界,无奇不有,充满着各种怪异但又多姿多彩的节日。From rolling cheese in Gloucestershire to wife-carrying in Scandinavia, the world is full of quirky, colourful – and downright bizarre – events.

欢迎来到奥法的戴克集团耐力GB的耐力马满分蒙茅斯希赫里福德郡和格洛斯特郡西部骑马。Hello Welcome to Austrian law, DaimlerChrysler AG, Horse Endurance Endurance GB of Monmouthshire and Gloucestershire County ride Ford Harry West.

原来,15岁的格洛斯特郡女孩克洛伊在祖母家收鸡蛋,结果发现了这个小小的高3.3厘米、宽2.5厘米的“小不点”。Gloucestershire girl Chloe, 15, was collecting eggs at her grandmother's house when she spotted the tiny shell, measuring just 1.3 inches tall and 1 inch wide.

我们也有丰富的经验,在服务地方经济的需求,并提供大量的可供选择的方案和用人单位的格洛斯特郡南社区成员。We also have vast experience in serving the needs of the local economy and offer a huge selection of programmes for employers and members of the South Gloucestershire community.

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后来海伦。米伦在媒体专访中表示,这个世界上总有些人含着金汤匙出生,他们不用经历任何风险和磨难就可以获得成功的人生,这的确是令人讨厌。"There are the privileged few who just seem to waft through life without having to ever meet any adversity or difficulty, which is really annoying, " Mirren told Gloucestershire Live.

这对计划于十月份在格洛斯特郡,一处始建于12世纪的伯克利城堡举行婚礼的情侣在他们位于西伦敦富勒姆的寓所外牵手同行,看起来十分恩爱。The couple, who are due to marry at the 12th Century Berkeley castle in Gloucestershire in October, put on a show of unity, walking hand in hand outside their flat in Fulham, west London.

当晚,查尔斯王子位于格鲁斯特郡的海格洛夫庄园将会迎来查尔斯和卡米拉的75名密友参加一场派对,派对上提供包括五道菜的正餐,随后便是舞会。The following night, there will be a party for 75 of Charles's closest friends at Highgrove, the Prince's Gloucestershire residence, which will include a five-course dinner followed by dancing.