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我太不像话了“I'm such a jerk.

有些时候,我甚至是个傻蛋。I’m a jerk sometimes.

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我感觉到钓线猛然一动。I felt the fishing line jerk.

别让他们对你指手划脚的。Don't let them jerk you around.

我不知道他是这样的一个土包子。I didn't know he was such a jerk.

他朝我的狗吐痰,真是一个愚蠢的人。He spit on my dog. He's real jerk.

噢,是呀,我看你就是个讨厌鬼。Oh yeah, well I see you as a jerk.

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他想,绝不能猛拉。I must not jerk it ever, he though.

我要让他知道他是一个混帐。I want to tell him that he's a jerk.

但在现实生活中他完全就是个蠢蛋。He was a total jerk in real life. MMT

做事之前先想一下,不要当二百五。Think before you do. Don't be a jerk.

你怎么和这样的一个土包子一起出去呢?How could you go out with such a jerk?

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我什么也没做,简直就是一个背叛朋友的混蛋。Disloyal jerk that I was, I did nothing.

不要猛拉这只箱子,慢慢地把它搬起来。Don't jerk the box up,pull it up smoothly.

出生啊,死亡啊,这就是个大起大落。Babys born or somebody dies, and thats a jerk.

唯一的金牌,我知道我的一天萧恩射线。The only jerk I knew from my day was Shawn Ray.

我知道他是个浑蛋,可是这也太超过了。I knew he was a jerk , but that was over the top.

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如果妳是肤浅的贱货,那我可能是直率的混蛋。If you are a shallow bitch, I can be a blunt jerk.

有时候它只能让你成为1个忘八,让我成为1个忘八。Sometimes it just makes you a jerk. Make me a jerk.

她把陷入木头里的刀拔了出来。She jerk out the knife that was stuck into the wood.