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她对这不受欢迎的建议感到反感。To feel or express strong unwillingness or repugnance.

这些懒汉必须从不愿工作的惰性中解脱出来。The lazybones must be aroused from their unwillingness to work.

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心里想象着这个人,和那心中怀有的不情愿。Picture that person and hold onto that unwillingness to forgive.

如果我们付足了钱,他露出的那副不乐意的神情就会消失。His apparent unwillingness would disappear if we paid him enough.

他不愿考虑运动之外的职业给他带来不幸。His unwillingness to think of a non-sport career caught up with him.

工人们遇到了雇主不愿付高工资的难题。The workers came up against their employers' unwillingness to pay high wages.

生命只是沧海之一栗。然而却承载了太多的情非得已。Life is just like a drop from the ocean, but it bears too much of unwillingness.

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这件事仅仅是我们不愿意继续参与在审查系统里面了。This isnot about them. It's about our unwillingness to participate in censorship.

担心引发动乱才不愿让资金流入朝鲜。Its this unwillingness to pump money into North Korea that is causing instability.

不要停留在事情的表面,也不要不愿意和大家分享信息。You need to stay away from the appearance of territoriality or unwillingness to share.

“职场秀客”的另一个特点是不愿意接受上级和同事的帮助。An unwillingness to accept help from a boss or colleague is another sign of a corporate idol.

玛丽的父亲声称他不愿意把女儿嫁给像约翰这样一个草包而毁掉她。Mary's father declared his unwillingness to hurl his daughter away on a useless fellow like John.

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然而,在有些情况下,限制是人为的,可能预示着不愿意谈判。However, in some instances the limits are artificial and may signal an unwillingness to negotiate.

而实际上,在奥巴马竞选团队不愿满足布氏之要求这个问题上,后者十分恼怒。Indeed, at one point Blagojevich is furious at the Obama camp's unwillingness to meet his demands.

不要停留在事情的表面,也不要不愿意和大家分享资讯。You need to stay away from the appearance of territoriality or unwillingness to share information.

关键是欧元区的内政问题,追根究底就是强国不愿支持弱国。The crisis is an internal political one resulting from the unwillingness of the strong to support the weak.

但是,这个孩子呆滞的双眼却泄漏了她不愿意在放学之后还学这么多东西的心情。The dullness of the kid’s eyes portrays her unwillingness and dislike to learn so many things after school.

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也许刻板的修补更彰显各国政府的无能为力或是对控制入侵物种蔓延的不情愿。Perhaps the starkest botch has been their inability or unwillingness to control the spread of invasive species.

然而,这可能不完完全全是由于政府不愿意动用他们的黄金储备来偿还债务。This may, however, not be entirely due to the unwillingness of government's to use their gold reserves to pay back debt.

老方法往往是令人乏味无聊的,如果你不愿意去探索各种各样的可能性,你将永远不会知道自己错过了什么。Tried and tested is boring and you’ll never know what you’re missing if you display an unwillingness to explore options.