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但他现在仍然很憔悴。But he is gaunt still.

和憔悴的冰障。And the gaunt ice-blocks.

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一只老鸫鸟,脆弱,削瘦,个小。An aged thrush, frail, gaunt and small.

不要吃夜宵,吃夜宵很轻易招致瘦削。Don't eat supper, eat supper very easy incur gaunt.

那栋旧房子荒凉空洞地伫立着,像一堆废墟。The old house stood gaunt and empty, a complete ruin.

在这一点上刚特人约翰曾下令命他缄口。At this point, John of Gaunt ordered him to be silent.

我仔细地打量着眼前这个骨瘦如柴的家伙。I just sized up the short and gaunt guy in front of me.

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看到安憔悴的脸,我只能问自己,没有其他地选择了吗?Look at An's gaunt face, I ask myself, no other options?

这个答话的本地老住户是一个高个儿,瘦身材的女人。The old inhabitant who answered was a tall, gaunt woman.

而就在壁炉边,站着一个陌生的男人。And there on the hearth, gaunt and unwelcome, stood a man.

那张孔武黝黑的英俊面孔相当的疲惫憔悴。The strong and darkly handsome visage was gaunt and haggard.

米勒太太的脸从窗口露出,面色憔悴,宛如鬼魂。Mrs. Miller's face appeared at the window, gaunt and ghostlike.

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另一角则是“亲爱的领袖”,据传曾经中风,形容憔悴。In the other stood the Dear Leader, gaunt after a reported stroke.

这又丑陋又干瘦的七只母牛吃尽了那又美好又肥壮的七只母牛。And the cows that were ugly and gaunt ate up the seven sleek, fat cows.

由于她整晚没睡,化了妆也觉得很憔悴。She hadn't sleep all the night, so she looked gaunt though she made up.

老人消瘦而憔悴,脖颈上有些很深的皱纹,腮帮上有些褐斑。The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck.

这位脸色憔悴的67岁领导人站在克林顿旁边照相时开怀大笑。The gaunt 67-year-old smiled broadly as he posed for a photograph next to Clinton.

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特别是近期乔布斯体重猛降,憔悴的身形更引发了人们的担心。More recently, his gaunt appearance and dramatic weight loss have added to the worries.

一些细长而无皮的树木依然倔立在土地上,像一个个飘荡在战场上骨架犹在的游魂。Gaunt and barkless, some trees still stand, like skeletal ghosts stalking a battlefield.

凋谢的玫瑰,花瓣片片,泪滴面点,一眼清泪憔悴心煎!Fade of roses, petals woods, tears of dots, clear tears gaunt look at heart Fried! ! ! ! !