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我是过于年轻和狂暴了,才会遍寻不得自由的自我。Too young am I and too outraged to be my freer self.

把管子做成钟状,可使气流更畅通。Belling out the tubes will permit a freer passage of air.

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凤凰本非凡俗鸟,浴火重生更逍遥。Phoenix this non-mediocre bird, the bath fire rebirth is freer.

把管端做成钟口状可使气流更畅通。Belling out the end of the tube will permit a freer passage of air.

戏剧将脱胎换骨,变得更为自由,更富想象力。Theatre will be reinvented and become much freer and more imaginative.

在生活中,如果你有更少的负担或限制,你就会拥有自由。The fewer burdens and restrictions you have in life, the freer you are.

允许资本更加自由地出入,以推动货币政策正常化?Allow freer capital flows in and out, to help normalize monetary policy?

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一种让我不那么自由,另一种让我更自由。One kind of regulation makes me less free. The other kind makes me freer.

年轻人更富有、更健康,受到更好的教育,也比他们的父母更为自由。The young are richer, healthier, better-educated and freer than their parents.

莱辛认为自己比大多数人空闲,因为她成了一名作家。Lessing believes that she was freer than most people because she became a writer.

中国已使其经济更加公平、更加自由、更加对国际竞争开放。China has made its economy fairer, freer and more open to international competition.

由于经济的需要,中国开始步入危险的道路——变得更自由。China is beginning the perilous path to becoming freer because the economy demands it.

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没有了物质所诱发的欲望和空虚,人们活得更自由,更纯美,心灵更富足。Material comfort, we can enjoy a freer and purer life with greater spiritual richness.

我的灵魂就像一只风筝,抓绳子抓得越松,它就越能自由地高飞。My soul is like a kite and the less tightly I hold the string the freer it is to soar.

更自由的选举则是另一回事,就像阿尔及利亚的将军们和法塔赫的铁腕人物们发现的那样。Freer elections are another matter, as Algerian generals and Fatah strongmen discovered.

蓓琪·弗里尔称其曾做过的最好的事,就是领养了个十月大的中国女孩。Becky freer says adopting a 10-month-old girl from China was the best thing she ever did.

但是,过半数法国人以及近三分之一的美国人不赞成进一步提高贸易自由度。But more than half the French and nearly one-third of Americans do not favor freer trade.

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如果仔猪断奶日龄较早,它感染疾病的机会就会比较小。If the pig is weaned at a relatively young age, it will be comparatively freer from disease.

我看到跟我一起生活在井里的蝌蚪,红虫等,它们都比不上我那麽自由,那麽快乐。In my eyes, I am more happy and freer than the tadpole and red worm who live in the well too.

现在的风险是,随着对朝鲜的压力的减轻,他将更为自由的为非作歹。The risk now is that the pressure will ease, and North Korea will feel freer to make mischief.