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简直就是个猪圈。A real sty.

麦粒肿有没有方法根治?Sty there a way to cure?

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这个地方像猪圈一样的乱。This place is a pig sty.

怎样能在几天内控制麦粒肿?How can be sty controlled?

可你的卧室还象个猪圈。Your bedroom's a sty still.

你的房间象一个猪圈一样。Your room is like a pig sty.

我想买治麦粒肿的药。I'd like something for a sty.

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眼睛长了麦粒肿怎么办?How did the eye grow sty to do?

铺在猪圈里的草已粘结成层了。Litter in the pig sty has bedded down.

他经常呆在猪圈�观察猪的构造和各种反应,一有新发现就记下来。He would spend many hours a day in the pig sty.

麦粒肿不去治疗会有什么后果?。Sty is not treated what consequence can you have?

知道如何让眼睛的麦粒肿消除可能派上用场的一天。How to remove the sty eye may "come" in handy one day.

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随反应温度升高,STY先升高后降低,在270℃最高。STY was the highest at 270℃ with increasing reaction temperature.

我的眼张了麦粒肿,有脓头了,不手术可以吗?还有什么帮法解决?My eye piece sty , head having pus, not is the operation OK? What still helps a law solve?

全部病例针道无感染,无断针,无骨折不愈合。No sty infection, no fixatingneedle fracture, and no nonunion were found in all the cases.

维罗比说,有一次她面试的应聘者自我感觉过于良好,居然评论起她眼角的一颗麦粒肿。Y. , once interviewed someone Who was so comfortable, he commented on a sty she had near her eye.

一个眼麦粒肿通常发生在眼皮上,并会看起来像一个红色的小疙瘩。Usually occurs in the sty with one "eye" on the eyelid, and it will seem like a " small " red block.

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据报导,这头重达一百五十公斤的公猪,在被震毁的猪圈废墟中,以嚼食木炭与喝雨水生存下来。The 150kg hog reportedly survived in the ruins of its sty by chewing charcoal and drinking rainwater.

在一个令人恐怖房屋的地位低居民的运送斧头的队上故事中心叫做了猪的猪栏小路。The story centers on an ax-carrying gang terrorizing the lowly inhabitants of a tenement called Pig's Sty Alley.

现在一份来自国际特赦组织的报告关注了南非乡下感染艾滋病毒的女性的痛苦挣扎。Now, a report from Amnisty Amn e sty International, looks at the struggles of poor rural women living with HIV H. I.