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又是那首诗。That poem!

我照做了。I did that.

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那个值。That value.

我知道这事。I knew that.

在那盒子里!In that box!

你是那样的吗?Is that you?

这个阻力太大。That checks.

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那是谁呀?Who is that?

我喜欢那.I liked that.

试想一下。Imagine that.

那多好啊!That is good!

这是公正的。That is just.

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那是性感的。That is sexy.

这是其一。That was one.

当时是你吗?That was you?

那是什么?What is that?

这样可以吗?Can I do that?

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给这位同学一个特写Film that man.

克鲁利讨厌这样。He hated that.

我接受这些了。I accept that.