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几乎所有的大型内生金属矿床上都有明显的航磁局部异常。Covering almost all the large endogenetic metallic deposits there are distinct local aeromagnetic anomalies.

以民营中小企业为主的内生型产业集群对我国经济发展贡献极大。The Endogenetic Industrial Cluster which mainly includes Small-medium firms contributes to Chinese economy very much.

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文章利用误差校正模型,估计出我国1952-1998年间的内生技术进步模型。Applying the Error Correction Model, we estimate the economic growth model with Endogenetic Technical Progress in 1952-1998.

目的探讨手部内生软骨瘤发生、临床表现、相关治疗问题。Objective To discuss the oncogenesis, clinical manifestation and relative treatment of hand endogenetic cartilaginous tumor.

本文构建了一个内生的货币供给体系,考察财政政策与消费需求之间的关系。In this paper, we consider an endogenetic money supply system to review the relation bet ween fiscal policy and consumption demand.

只有在点—轴系统理论中,点、线才都是内生变量,是构建空间结构模型的不可或缺的两大要素。Only in the pole axis theory, do the point and the line become the endogenetic variable and they form the two indispensable factors of constructing spatial structure.

是次活动除了能增进同学对地图阅读、内营力及外营力的认识外,还可提升同学对学习香港地貌特徵的兴趣。Such activity can enrich students with knowledge about the map reading skills, endogenetic and exogenetic processes, as well as interest on geographical features in Hong Kong.

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本文认为,信任是信息不对称的委托代理关系,信任是财务行为的内生性因素。In my opinion, trust is a special agent-principal relation with asymmetric information, an endogenetic factor in finance, and a mechanism for raising the financial efficiency as well.

硫酸盐不仅是常见矿物,还是自然界少数几个具有氧同位素非质量分馏效应的矿物之一。Sulfates are a sort of ordinary minerals in the supergene and endogenetic geological environment. They are among the few minerals that show mass independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes.

而地质构造、火山活动、海平面变化等内外营力的共同作用则控制次级地貌类型的形成与演化。And collective effects of endogenetic and exogenic forces such as geologic structure, volcanic activity and sea level change controlled the origin and evolvement of the sub-order geomorphic types.

采用了信息化施工工艺,用基坑支护结构的内力反演分析和变形多步滚动预测成果判断和预测基坑的安全性。Information-guided excavation technique was used, that is to judge and predict the safety of the excavation with conversed endogenetic forces and poly-phase predicted deflection of the bracing system.